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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Evangelicals In Our Biggest Nut State Live In Fear?

Sunday Thoughts

by Noah

I think that the reason Texas is so geographically huge could be that, when its borders were drawn, someone had seen the early warnings that Texas would one day become a kind of safehouse or asylum for every kind of nutjob humanity has to offer, or should I say, inflict on the rest of us. The person assigned the job knew a lot of space would be needed. In a related sense, one can easily imagine Louisiana. Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida as all parts of the same slippery, grubby, hair-clogged drain of America. Gravity, you know. The crazy always heads south. Even in my native New Jersey, the southern half is where it gets really strange. It's just the way it is.


OK, maybe that's not the way it is. Maybe it's just the endless sun beating down on their Texas brains with over 100 100 degree days per year. Lot of damage bound to occur, no? Whatever and whichever, the bottom line is the same. Is the unremitting boiling heat and humidity causing the insanity? Does it cause the weak-minded to opt for the seemingly easier criminal solutions to their problems? I know, maybe conservatives just want an excuse to blame all their problems and failures on someone else. Like always.

That must be it. The Evangelicals mentioned above by Middle Age Riot just need a group to blame. How republican of them! Always living in fear of "those unsavory people." Always afraid of themselves? Or, just afraid that an increase in sports betting might lead to less money in the collection plates.



Dec 11, 2023

Overlooking the hate for hate's sake again and still to agree with the one thing that isn't hate.

Yes, there are enclaves that glow crimson within very blue areas. I know. I live in one. Very unpleasant. If your law firm truly does assist immigrants, bless you.

Is there a rule against augmenting even tongue-in-cheek? Not like I was disagreeing or anything.

I am trying to illustrate that the nazi shithole is quite pervasive. I coulda gone further (WI, OK, AZ, UT, OH, WV, IA, western CO, everywhere north of NM all the way to Canada, except Denver...

See? nazi shithole.


Dec 11, 2023

OK guestcrapper, Is it that you don't understand this thing we have here in America called tongue in cheek? Or maybe overlooked the classic joke being referred to by Noah in your usual haste to say "Hey, look at me!" Yes, you're correct about some of the other areas you mention but that's tangential to the reference. I guess you could have been blinded or just gotten lost in the minutia. And btw, since you do want to go outside the boundaries of the joke, please note that yes Northern California has its share of far right wingers but Orange Cty in the south of the state has the state's biggest concentration of real honest to goodness Nazis and has…


Dec 10, 2023

just coincidence that those were confederate states where white hate has flowered since whites first drove out the natives and brought in their slaves?

In CA, it's the north. In WA and OR, it's the east. In ID it's the nazi north (actually, it's the whole fetid thing, but the concentration in the N is higher. So the compass direction isn't relevant. It's white and hate and stupid that are the common denominators.

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