by Noah Yep. Spewing out patented Republican QAnon nuttery and firing people left and right. Then begging them to come back when he realizes there's no one left to do the work he wants to take credit for and the work in achieving his sick dreams of world domination. Musk is showing us that he's as looney as the pillow guy, just with a lot more money and more grandiose ambitions. Pillow Guy is his Mini-Me. Musk sees Twitter as being his road to ultimate power. Governments? We don't need no stinkin' governments. I, as Twitter...I am Twitter and Twitter is me. I will use my platform to program all my Morlocks! Millions, billions of Morlocks!! Ye- Haaah!!! And, I suspect he doesn't even need any crack to be like he is. Sooner or later, he was bound to reach the point where he couldn't manage and he'd totally lose his grip. It's just too bad it wasn't many, many years ago, but it's obviously happened. The big question is, now what? I mean, how perfect is it that the critter that came up with the driverless car is a driverless car himself, careening down the road, and off the roads too. Care to lay a bet down on what day, Elon Musk ends up in a ditch? Pillow Guy lost most if not all of his money which would seem hard to do but consider it kind of like when some idiot wins the lottery and ends up broke. Will that happen to Musk? Look at it this way: He had trouble running two companies. Now, he has three. I've always wanted to go into space but not in anything this clown builds. I wouldn't even buy a toaster from him.
