Sunday Thoughts
by Noah
Drag queens in Paris! Wow! That's a shocker! No one saw that coming, that is if by "no one" you mean the Republican Jesus nutjobs, but I guess they really "don't get out" much. I mean one would think that, out of any place in the world, Paris, France (certainly not Paris, Texas) would be the place where drag queens are fully accepted and recognized as fully human participants in society. And, guess what, if the Olympics happen in Paris as they are happening right now, why wouldn't some drag queens be involved in the highly festive opening night's entertainment, especially if the people putting on the show wish to depict an obvious Dionysian feast tableau. You know, as in where the f-word did the Olympics originate? Ah, but there's the rub. Give or take a percent, I can only assume that 99% of all Republicans are ignorant of the Greek connection to the Olympics and have never heard the name Dionysus. That's what happens when you're either "home schooled" or spend your life with your head up your ass, or both.
It gets better (worse). The "Embrace The Ignorance" crowd mistook the depiction of the Dyonisian feast tableau as a mockery of Jesus having his Last Supper with his disciples and flew into a frenzy of typical hate and outrage over what was only the product of their simpleton imagination. And, more than a week later, it hasn't stopped. Endless homophobic sputtering, spewing, and spraying about drag queen this and drag queen that, and grooming, and gay, gay, gay whatever. Personally, I think someone needs to tell these morons that the classic painting of The Last Supper that they feel has been so besmirched was painted by a gay genius, named Leonardo da Vinci. Cut to the twisted up faces reflecting inner confusion. Also, I'll just add here that, if these nutters are so mightily offended by what they thought they saw, maybe they need to ask themselves how hypocritical and fragile their faith seems to be.
If you want to see such cretins go completely over the edge, just explain to them how many of the motifs and touchstones of their blessed Christianity were taken from the earlier Greek world. Those who created Christianity after the "death and resurrection" of Jesus built a whole religion on bits and pieces that had come before. It wasn't just the appropriation of the pagan "Christmas tree." Dionysus, the son of Zeus and a mortal mother, was one of the 12, count 'em 12 Greek gods. Among other things, he was the God of ritual, feasting, festivity, and theater, kind of a good match for the Olympics opening ceremonies. He was a traveling teacher known for his miracles. He healed the sick and turned water into wine. Wine symbolized his blood. He was born twice. He had a group of disciples. You get the picture. He was also a party animal and had a dark side, a very dark side, but the founders of Christianity chose the good to describe their Jesus and left the dark side for themselves; you know, things like the inquisition, burning women at the stake, and other forms of terror.
I saw all the just plain dumbass reaction to the opening night (House Squeaker Johnson called it shocking and insulting) of the current Olympics and I knew it wasn't going to die down quickly but, even this morning (Friday), I'm still seeing republicans I'm acquainted with go on and on about "Oh my God, the drag queens!" In fact, I can measure how in the closet a couple of them are just by how they keep going on and on on their Facebook pages about "the damn drag perverts" and "groomers" and all the rest of the shit spew that republicans want to make sure they're known for. They hate drag queens and yet they'll happily vote for a freak that wears way too much orange makeup and his would-be partner in crime who wears enough eyeliner to make us all think he just might be auditioning for a job on a Maybelline commercial.
Oh, and there's this. The depiction below of The Last Supper was widely displayed at the Freak Party's recent convention in Milwaukee. I gotta say, if I was a religious man, I would be mightily offended by the idea of replacing Jesus in DaVinci's painting with the Devil incarnate. Sick or ironic, you decide. And, you want sick; the French ended up being bullied into an apology when they shoulda just told the Nazis to piss off.
To be a christian IS to be dumber than shit. The apology should be for failing to anticipate the hate coming from such fucking ignorance and stupidity.