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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Does Trump View The Dead Of 9/11 As Suckers & Losers, Too?

Updated: 7 hours ago

"I'm Just Asking The Question"

by Noah

In answer to the question posed in tonight's meme, this photo of Traitor Don from last week's remembrance ceremony at the World Trade Center site says a lot to me, and not just what I put in the headline: First, it reminds me of his infamously disrespectful thumbs up on the Arlington Cemetery grave of a fallen United States Marine about a month ago. Next, it reminds me of how, when the WTC towers fell, his immediate reaction, and the only one that mattered to him, was his narcissistic claim that his building was now the tallest in lower Manhattan. The people who died in the fallen buildings didn't matter a bit to him. On Tuesday, he actually went to the memorial service. This time, he didn't give a smiling thumbs up but he did go with his new girlfriend, 9/11 truther pal Laura Loomer.

There's more of course: Look at that picture. He's obviously bored and wondering how long he has to be there as are his two sons standing behind him and his crumbling psycho pal Rudy Giuliani. One can only wonder what's going on in whatever's left of Rudy's mind; definitely not any guilt about refusing to provide city fire fighters with radios that had enough power to work within large buildings. Hey, do you think Trump treated Rudy to a hamberder afterwards? Nah, not a chance. Probably didn't even say hello. Don't worry guys, you'll always have that day at Four Seasons Landscaping.



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