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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Does Hannibal Lecter Send Trump "Beautiful Letters," Too?

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

Before you read any further: Yes, the quote in the meme above is very much something the Dear Leader of the GOP actually said at one of his mini-Nuremberg rallies this past weekend. You know what they say about how "You can't make this stuff up," well, there it is! Another Diaper Donnie "I have the best words" moment!

As I always say, the Republican Party is all about spreading human misery and death so it's no wonder that the party's Primo Douchebag is so openly praising Hannibal Lecter, a figure so real to him that he refers to him as the "late great" and "a wonderful man." This is not the first time he's expressed his love for the fictional mass murdering cannibal but it's clearly the most effusive. In the same speech before a yuge crowd of adoring nazi lovers in Wildwood, NJ this past weekend, he also expressed his love for Al Capone.

I guess The Diaper Don forgot to mention his love for another killer, Kim Jong-un, the one who sends him those "beautiful letters" and we all know how all republicans feel about Vladimir Putin but what should we expect from a party that features governors who shoot puppies? Soon, they'll all be lining up to tell us that Charlie Manson and Ted Bundy were just misunderstood. I can see Lindsey Graham running for the microphone right now and FOX idiot Sean Hannity is no doubt screaming for his bookers to "find this Hannibal guy and get him on the show!" 


May 15, 2024

And here it is again. Anyone who knows just how shitty the democraps are (fucking BIDEN???) just has to be a "trumpnut"... or a russian troll.

american dumber than shitness at its worstest.

kinda defines the shithole.


May 15, 2024

Check it out. A genuine Trumpnut comes out of the closet and comments below.


May 15, 2024

and your side won't beat ... THAT! says more about your side than anything.

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