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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Dementia Donnie, The Pied Piper Of Lies!

His Hypnotized Legions Will Follow Him To The End Of Days

by Noah

"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."

- From a compilation of selected quotes from Hannah Arendt (14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975) German historian and philosopher

I guess that, in what's left of Dementia Don's brain, being der Fuhrer of what was once called the Republican Party is a good thing. I mean, who better to run an entire party of people who embrace  lies and conspiracy mongering and specifically, as it relates to tonight's Midnight Meme, misogyny as a creed, than a freakish monster that openly boasts of his own misogyny and has made it one of the main tenets of the party's worship of him. They love him for it. He is them and they are him. I know you think it's weird that so many women support this Grand Wizard Of Misogyny but that's a testament to not just the brainwashing they've gone through but even how much has been beaten out of them, mentally and physically by our sick cultures.

When it comes to Trump specifically, I have often marveled at his abilities when it comes to mass hypnosis. Yes, hypnosis. Real hypnosis. When I first began watching his rallies back in 2015 as they were being broadcast nightly by the Korporate Media, my first reaction was along the lines of: "How can anyone listen to this half man-half monkey speak for two-and-a-half minutes and not know that he is insane, completely and utterly insane." The way he sucks people in has to do with more than just the frustrations, gullibility, and stupidity of his marks. All con artists need fools for marks but there was and is something more. That something more is hypnosis technique and that technique is textbook. It rests in that strange smile of his, the surreal appearance that he has adopted with his make up, overlong red clown ties, his big blue shiny rubber-ish suits, and more. He's no different than the evil clown that comes to entertain a room full of five year olds at a birthday party. You better watch him every second and count the kids as he leaves.

Back to that strange smile. Whether they are aware of it or not, people tend to respond positively to a smile. The strangeness of the smile makes it not just more memorable to a mark but it is also human nature to smile back, and in this case, do so with at least a reflexive attempt to duplicate the type of smile. The smile back is a step forward into his weird world. More importantly, Traitor Trump also uses that smile to punctuate his points no matter how absurd they are. Think of it as a sales technique if that makes it easier. He's driving those points home into minds that are essentially blank slates. He might as well be a child drawing on the sidewalk in front of his house. You come along and you smile. Welcome to "The Omen-Trump Style." He's got plenty of assistants, too, all freakish clowns of one way or another. Go ahead, conjure up images in your mind of freaks like Stephen Miller, Sarah Huckabbee Sanders, JD Vance, Matt Gaetz, Alex Jones, "Ted" Cruz... Do I have to go on?


But, that's not all. Like any hypnotist, Trump uses repetitive key phrases at the end of sentences to imbed his thoughts into the minds of the receptive. Think of that the next time you hear him use the phrases "That I can tell you" and "Believe me" at the end of one of his verbal rambles. The first phrase connotes knowledge and authority. The latter connotes expertise and a call for faith. All of this finds a willing target in those who want to assign blame and simple explanations for their situations, imagined or otherwise. Trump's use of strange nicknames works in a similar way in that they create images that carry a silliness imbued dismissiveness deep into the mind. 

Things like his use of the strange smiles and stock phrases to deliver an effect amount to a cliched snapping of the fingers that we see hypnotists use in old movies. But, what about the use of hands. Well, here it is: The Accordion Man! Watch those hands, those little Trump hands as he speaks. See them move rhythmically in and out, out and in as he speaks. It's as if to say, "You're getting sleepy, very sleepy." That accordion motion is no different than having your target watching a gold watch as it spins or swings back and forth like a pendulum. It just works on a lot more people at the same time.

Trump has also often used what is known as Ericksonian hypnosis, a bastardization of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy which was developed by Milton Erickson. It's a similar technique. The approach relies on building a rapport with a subject or subjects by expressing views that the hypnotist knows will appeal to them. Once they are in agreement, relaxed and their defenses are down, they are hit with an absurdity. Boom! It's almost like they go into a trance state. That's a kind of fingersnap, too. Once there, the marks will follow anywhere. What we need now to know is, will Trump's increasing confusion in his own mind destroy his abilities to use this approach or will it result in even more chaos going off in all directions at once. His "Stand back and stand by" moment was not a coincidence, nor was it something that just popped from Traitor Trump's mind in the heat of the moment of that debate. It was planned. And it was remembered.

Is there a cure for this? I'm sure there is but how are you going to administer it to so many people? Tens of millions have voted for him before and, in this election cycle, tens of millions are already voting for him and it will take a huge turnout to beat him. And the work will not stop there.


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