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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Corporate News Failed To Notice That The Lights Had Changed

Writer: NoahNoah

A Crowd Of People Stood And Stared

by Noah

Getting whatever news you get on your phone or some other very portable device was always inevitable but the traditional news sources didn't have to abdicate their responsibilities to society at the same time. They didn't have to choose superficiality and both sides-ism over true elucidation. They didn't have to choose to be run by the fear of offending their viewers, listeners, or readers and start treating what comes out of the brain of someone who talks like they're walking around with an axe half buried in their skull or ate way too many paint chips as equal to a person who has experience, education, and credibility in a given area. That's how you go from John Chancellor, Edward R. Murrow, and Walter Cronkite to the lower quality of what you get from Lester Holt all the way down to Wolf Blitzer and even lower to the likes of semi-literates like Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters. That's also how you go from FDR, Ike, and JFK all the way down to Donald Trump and RFK, Jr. I will say one thing for FOX, though, they've never worried about offending viewers with IQs over 80. That's their business model and it works for them. Oh and the New York Times: The once great paper just ran a column a few days ago that clearly stated, with a straight face, that Trump could win the election based on his character. Really.


To put it simply, cold is not hot and hot is not cold, unless you're some jackass reading from a script that's guilty of putting forth nothing but the agenda of whatever mindless beast owns the corporation that's broadcasting on your TV, device, or whatever you want to call it today. These people who don't even deserve to breathe our air don't even want fact checkers at political debates. And to think, people wonder why parents are threatening teachers over the grade they gave their dumbass kid on a test. Christ, if this continues, we might someday have a president that tells the public to inject bleach.


You have to wonder if the people who run corporate news outlets realize yet that their desire to present things in a superficial, gloss over manner if presented at all, or, to present things in a manner that won't offend even a small percentage of morons out in the viewer sphere at all, has gained them what they feared all along, ie. they've offended everybody, straight across all spectrums, and therefore they are now hemorrhaging viewers. Well done! Case in point: In the election cycle of 2020, CNN was attracting over 2 Million viewers per night. Now, just 4 years later, it's down to 700,000. That's a really bad trend if you want to talk about trending. Their online operation is doing a bit better. That's a technology matter. It's doubtful that it's a quality matter. More importantly, the reputation of the brand is sullied. Meanwhile, Brian Taylor Cohen has 3.1 Million subscribers on his youtube channel. And, he's just one of a rapidly growing number that are filling the vacuum that the corporate news entities have created. Yes, we all live in information silos now and, guess what you corporate news mullahs; the horses have left the barn and they're loving their new found freedom.


Aug 31, 2024

Correct, Noah. When getting our news from via our phones and things like youtube channels began to seriously escalate, traditional outlets missed an opportunity. At that time, they decided not to right the ship and now they're losing. By using corporate thinking, they practically created their competition.


Aug 30, 2024

The quality of "news" had already gone to shit before most dumber than shits evolved into taking thier "news" from their hand-helds. Corporate consolidation and the profitization of all media are what turned NEWS into infotainment. Instead of telling truth, "news" is now engineered to attract views and likes and retweets and the like. Therefore, the content sold to the public reflects, in absolute terms, the plummeting quality of the consumers of that shit.

Your side WANTS to be outraged by trump. Their side NEEDS to be outraged by the lies told by trump. And that's only the political side. They turned a talentless porn 'actress' and her family into some kind of celebrity billionaires named kardashian... And americans…


Aug 30, 2024

I can barely look at the NY Times any more. Its selection of what is covered is alarming and its both sides-ism nonsense have plummeted the newspaper's previously highly esteemed role in reporting news. Their headlines stink to high hell. There are a couple of good editorial writers but others should be fired - not only for their pathetic points of view but their sheer stupidity.


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