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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! CNN Pulls Off Another Shitshow!

Not One Single Fact Check In Real Time!

by Noah

Hey! What a surprise! What a shocker! CNN has failed America again! Mission Accomplished! Yes, President Biden's performance fell way short of what it needed to be. This post is not about the whys and wherefores of that. He's never been exactly what one would call a great communicator anyway and, given the choice between "great communicator" and "doer," I'll take doer and hold the doer's feet to the fire like the American people did with FDR. Of course, sadly, humans are devolving and we don't do that anymore because we're too busy playing mindless twit games on our phones and computers and watching dogcrap reality TV shows that center around groups of 5 or more people who have a combined IQ of 70 at best. I always say the movie "Idiocracy" got it right and the only flaw in the movie was that they placed it 500 years in the future instead of the here and now.


Many of those of us who live outside of the Beltway saw the shitshow train coming, or at least the possibility of it but I won't dismiss the context of what corporate entity was pumping the "debate" into our homes. This was perfect storm stuff. Yes, context matters! Even if everyone else has forgotten, I remember CNN's purposeful Town Hall interview with Traitor Trump in New Hampshire back in May of lastyear. Yes, 3 years after he tried to overthrow the government!!!!! CNN's Town Hall For Trump was the real kickoff of this election cycle and, from the start, it was meant to be a nationally televised Trump rally or else why would it have been done. Naive people can say it wasn't deliberate but CNN knew what it would be because they knew what Trump was (and still is) when they put it together. Thursday night's so-called debate, and I mean so-called, was more of the same and it's hard to think it wasn't meant to be just that.


So, did ya like the questions from Jake Tapper and Dana Bash? How about that there was no mention of the dangers of a convicted felon being Commander-in-Chief and how this country, our military, and the rest of the world might act if that became the case? Also, not a single question about the nation's infrastructure (Like many of his measures, that was left to Biden to bring up and he did since no one else would) but plenty of questions that embedded lies. Where the fuck do they get assclowns like Tapper and Bash? Rejects from the auditions for Jersey Housewives or whatever it's called? When I see the people on CNN and FOX-Pravda, I see people gathered up from those hideous, freakish Walmart customer shots, given baths, haircuts and nice clothes and put on camera. That's all they are. Nothing more. At least nothing that amounts to anything more.

OK. Maybe you wonder what I would have done. Well, one thing would be that I wouldn't further legitimize a felonious traitor by even having the debate but here's one simple sample question CNN could have asked Trump: 

"You once said of Hillary Clinton that a candidate who is under investigation should not be allowed to run for office. What say you now?"

Sure, The Diaper Don would have sputtered out some crap about rigged this and rigged that as more orange goo ran down his collar, but at least ask that question and one about the problems being created by having a two tiered system of justice gone wild to the point where one tier is even treason friendly! Put it out there in the debate. The reason why they didn't is blatantly obvious as was CNN's bias of opening with simpleton questions about "the border" and "the economy" designed to tee the whole thing up for Trump.

Oh, and I have a more general suggestion about our campaigns, too: How 'bout any party that wants to run a candidate for office be required to hold a full primary season whether one of the candidates is already in office or not? A pipedream? Yeah, maybe, but it would actually open up policy and personality discussions more and give any incumbent or primary winner more practical practice for what they will encounter in the really big show. Any age and health related issues could be more exposed, too. And, God forbid, a few better candidates along the way! And, dare I say it, lead to the improvement of the existing parties and maybe even a viable third party, too. OK, that's all I have for you at the moment. Besides, I hear the bell from the Cannabis Truck coming down my street. 


Addendum: I know things can change back and forth in an instant in politics. Lordy, I hope we get to see whatever little bit of Trump's mind is left disintegrate even more than it already has on national prime time TV real real soon. My hope has always been that it's during his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention. Maybe he'll have channelled Hitler so much that he'll start mumbling in fake German.

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