Psychopathic Pathological Lying Traitor Gives A Speech. GOP Cheers!

by Noah
OK, at last night's SOTU, Bernie Sanders and Rep. Jasmine Crockett walked out on the stark raving madman who plans to be King. A small Trump-size handful of others did as well. Best of all, Rep. Al Green knows a tyrant when he sees one and he stood up alone, raised his cane and screamed when Republican icon Traitor Don claimed he had a mandate to do whatever he wanted. Rep. Green got tossed out of the chamber for his action and, as I write this, Repugs all over social media are saying things like "he should just shut up and get used to riding in the back of the bus again." I saw a lot of 'likes' on that one. The incident reminded me of when the GOP's beloved Marjorie Traitor Greene and Lauren Hand Job Boebert bellowed animal noses at Biden. No one threw those two out.
Damn. There's so many things Democrats could have done during the Number One Traitor's rambling speech last night. I know a few Dems boycotted the thing and, like I said, a few walked out. Some of the others wore little buttons or raised small signs that made some sort of silent statement. Little buttons and signs that you couldn't even see on TV. I have no idea what they said. It was the least they could do, so they did it. Democrats just can't get it through their thick skulls that the meek shall not inherit the Earth or anything else.
While the Party Of Putin's traitor pals literally gave Putin's puppet over 90 standing ovations during the 99 minutes of lies (Yep, almost one standing-o per minute!) I would have had one third of the Democrats wearing blue and yellow suits for solidarity for Ukraine, one third of them wearing tan suits because tan suits irritate those Putin Pals, and, I would have had one third of the Democrats dressed as pirates complete with trained parrots on their shoulders that would screech the word 'traitor' on command! "That's a good bird. Who's a good bird? Say the magic word again, Polly! Good bird! Here's another cracker!!!"
Of course, I would have even settled for something a little vulgar like every single Democrat making fart noises everytime Traitor Trump tried to make a point. You know and I know that somehow that would be quite fitting. I don't ask for much. I'm not asking for the Democrats to pelt Traitor Don with rotting tomatoes or toss a pit viper at him but a Democratic Party with a spine and a pulse would be a start. And yet, status quo toadies like Hakeem Jeffries and Chucky Schumer keep saying they want to "reach across the aisle." How'd that work with Hitler, assholes?!!??