Certainly Not From Chuck Schumer!

by Noah
America may be stuck with Chuck Schumer for a long time. That's the dark side but there's also a somewhat good side to Chucky's recent "Peace in our time" offense. At least it has finally begun to dawn on some Democrats that being represented by government officials that are, for lack of a better terminology, useless living fossils mentally frozen in a multiple decades old mindset is a bad, very bad, idea. Leave that for the other side of the aisle. They're never going to change and for every doddering old traitor like Moscow Mitch, they will always find a "fresh" one like Marjorie Traitor Greene. Their selection process is a more hate-based one steeped in mental illness anyway.
While fools defend people like Schumer by lauding his experience, all I feel like saying is that experience is good. Rot is not. And when political parties go with the latter, the results can be and too often are disastrous. I don't want to sound ageist. I am roughly the same age, at least chronologically, as some of these frauds. I will even happily point to Bernie Sanders as an old guy who's an exception but it was fearful old thinkers who should have been put on the ice flow that saw Bernie Sanders as a threat to their cushy status quo same old same old and shut him out. Like I've said for 50+ years, Washington is the last to know or care what's going on in America, and, in this case, Chuck Schumer, eight of his Democratic Party buddies, one independent, and the absolute scum on the other side of the aisle went way out of their way to show it with their Continuing Resolution vote. All we got from Schumer and his nine collaborationists was a series of world class Susan Collins impersonations where they all pretended to be "concerned" before voting for evil anyway. They might as well have all sat at their $enate desks wearing Susan Collins wigs and matching Susan Collins outfits as they cast their votes.
Leaving politics and agendas aside for a minute, when our parties are being steered off cliffs by people like Trump, Biden, McConnell, and Schumer... Well, enough was enough long ago. Even with Hillary Clinton, like Joe Biden, the sell-by date had already passed long by the time those in charge decided it was her time. It wasn't fair to us and it really wasn't even to either of them. In Major League Baseball, when you can't do the job anymore but can't bring yourself to admit it, they tear the uniform off you and, in five years time, a panel of experts decides whether you get into the Hall Of Fame or not. In politics, they put you on the field as team captain even as you strike out on three pitches every time you grab a bat and walk up to the plate. You need to be able to see what pitch is coming and have the reflexes to react!
Some of us have understood all of this for a long time and are more fed up than others. Those others just accept the status quo and are willing if not eager to die with it or even because of it. As this past week has gone on, an actual movement to oust Chuck Schumer from his $enater Minority Leader position because of his disgusting Nevill Chamberlain or what I call Vichy collaborator cave-in to the two lunatic co-presidents one week ago. Why not? Why shouldn't there be such a movement? Will it amount to anything? Unlikely, but in a better world with a population that doesn't just throw up its hands, it would. Schumer, who may never have had the brain power to do the job past the mediocrity level, says he did what he did to prevent Musk and Trump from dismantling the government and ruining America.
Hmmm, 'scuse me Chucky, it seems to the rational and non-demented of us that those two traitors and their crackpot goons that you irrationally think you can work with are already dismantling everything decent about this country but apparently that's news to you. Hell, I knew Dick Durbin had also outlasted his sell-by date and I knew my other New York $enator, Kirsten Gillibrand was about as useless as they come even at her younger age of 58 but it takes a special kind of idiocy to think you can "reach across the aisle" and appease psychosis. It's the old snake hitching a ride from the guy crossing the river or climbing the mountain thing. It goes like this:
A man started to climb a high, steep mountain when a snake asked the man to carry him along. “But you’re a snake,” the man said. The snake smiled. “Don’t worry. I won’t bite you.” After days of arduous climbing, the man reached the mountain summit, whereupon the poisonous snake bit him. As he lay dying, the man cried out, “You said you wouldn’t bite me!” His reptilian hitchhiker looked at him and said, “Ha! You knew I was a snake when you picked me up."
Too bad Chucky never heard that one. That's Schumer for ya. I guess he just wanted to be in the club but you don't beat people by joining them. You beat people by beating them and beating them senseless if need be. Maybe people like Schumer did that in the 1980 world they're still stuck in but that's reflective of the problem with his party. You can't keep it running effectively with people that have proven they are increasingly ineffective. Most of these people are people who had their formative years 40, 50, or 60 years ago. The AOCs and Jasmine Crocketts are far more current and connected to today's reality and they aren't too shy to let any of us know that.
