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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Angels Looking After Donald Trump?

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

Sunday Thoughts

by Noah

Just imagine how sick your mind has to be to choose the Republican/Christian Nationalist lifestyle of hate, repression, terror, and outright insanity. We saw plenty of that this past week being beamed into our homes from the GOP Convention in Milwaukee. It wasn't just what pervo Matt Gaetz has done to his now freakish face with massively excessive amounts of botox. It wasn't just a bunch of his fellow freaks showing up with fake bandages on their ears in solidarity with a man who chose a VP candidate who literally admits to having sex with his couch (protected!) and also calls his new boss an American Hitler. It wasn't just Don Jr. pimping out his young daughter on national TV with predictable results, and, it wasn't just an adjudicated rapist 3rd time Republican Party nominee for president being introduced to a cheering audience by a man who was filmed and accused of beating his wife.

No, it wasn't just* any of that. It was also about a party that has gone from merely worshiping its Dear Leader as the literal second coming of Jesus to a party that literally thinks they see angels protecting him (white blonde ones, of course). When these Nazis look at their false god at a podium, they see angels right there with him. And to think we once had enough mental hospitals to help care for those who have horribly lost their minds. Now the mental illness that the Republican Party subsists on has infected so many Americans that we could never build enough gated hospitals for them. They see what is depicted above as real. The internet and social media outlets are now full of such things. Here's another:

Addendum: *By the way, having the N-word-using Hulk Hogan as a featured speaker who literally tore the American flag shirt he was wearing in half to reveal a Trump-Vance T-shirt underneath was perfect symbolism for the entire goings-on. I suppose we should be grateful we didn't see whatever Hogan has tattooed on his chest.

1 Comment

Jul 21, 2024

Hitler's SS had "Got mit uns" on their buckles and buttons as they were killing millions of innocents. They believed it too.

And you all still worship THAT god?

It isn't just possible, it's a FACT that both sides in this are wrong. despicable. useless. feckless.

maybe that's why YOU can't beat them. I dunno... maybe if you all actually stood for GOOD? just a thought that, shockingly, has never occurred to very many...

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