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Midnight Meme Of The Day! And Then Man Created Satan!

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

Sunday Thoughts: A Creation Of Convenience!

by Noah

So many of us love to blame someone else, imagined or real, when we screw up. Corporations and the political world are based on that. It's an addicting way of life for them. It makes things so much simpler for the judgement-impaired. Things like unions, immigrants, or non-existent commies under the bed are examples of convenient boogiemen that get offered as targets. Jeez, now that the religious nut Republikooks are so fully taking over again, I think we will be hearing Satan being blamed more and more for the coming escalation of government-induced chaos. Everything that goes wrong starting on January 20th, will be put on Satan, or, of course, people conveniently under the influence of Satan; you know, like "the Democrats." And the frequency of doing that is already bad enough. OK, not everything. Let's not forget that Trumpies tend to be Nazis, so don't forget "The Jews!" Whatever, whichever, leave it to the most Satanic among us to blame a non-existent entity or an "other" for the goings on, and, of course they'll never blame their own traits that they received from either bad parenting or something else that damaged their minds along the way.


Satan- It's what's for blaming! On the bright side, just think how many more dogs would get kicked and wives and kids would be hit if Satan wasn't so Goddamn available! Hail Satan!


1 comentario

17 nov 2024

which myth did man create first: a benevolent god; or the malevolent satan?

I know, but if an infallible god created an angel; and that angel turned out to be so flawed; doesn't that mean that god is fallible? And that is only one more proof that no such god can exist...

Could it be that the malevolent satan was first, and HE created a fallible god for dumber than shits to worship as omnipotent and omniscient?

And why are humans so relentlessly fucking stupid that they still believe in this tooth fairy on steroids?

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