by Noah
While our contemptuous Supreme Court and every Republican legislator in every legislature in the country, from Moscow Mitch McConnell on down to the lowest red-hatted flatworm, continues to strive to up their bonafides as medieval oppressors, voters in several states across the country spoke loudly for choice on Tuesday. However, there is still a ton of work to do.
Don't expect a single member of the Grand Old Nazi Party to listen to Tuesday's results. They more than doubled down on the abortion issue and sent a very loud signal to us all when they unanimously voted to install the most mentally unstable anti-choice kook they could find as Speaker Of The House. Given that they are still pushing for a nationwide ban on abortions, we ignore their signal at our peril.
yep. I was correct. hate-milliwatt COULD be even more wrong.
If you wake up the dumber than shits but they still vote for the hapless worthless feckless lying corrupt neoliberal fascist pussy democraps... and NOTHING ever gets done... you've accomplished exactly nothing. Still ignoring the signs. Still tacitly approving of the nazis BWO doing nothing.
A veeeery old admonition goes like: All that is required for evil to flourish is for the (lesser evil dumber than shits) to do nothing. electing democraps *IS* doing nothing. has been doing nothing for 55 years and counting.
show me where this author is pleading with the dumber than shits to vote smarter... and NOT for democraps. I'll apologize to him.
otherwise, just keep…
The craphead says- "Kinda takes the weight off your warning... don't it?" Nope. It doesn't since that's exactly what Noah's been warning about for decades as he tries to wake up complacent people. See if you can muster enough mental energy to wrap your brain around that next time crapper. And try to check your uncontrollable ego and your condescension at the door.
"Given that they are still pushing for a nationwide ban on abortions, we ignore their signal at our peril. "
True. Then why do you want the dumber than shits to keep trying to elect democraps? They've done exactly nothing to codify women's rights in their entire history. They've done dick about ANYONE's rights since 1966.
Kinda takes the weight off your warning... don't it?