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Midnight Meme Of The Day! A Premonition Of The Republican (KKK) Convention!

Sunday Thoughts: Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me?

by Noah

Prepare for a shortage of Tiki-Torches! The upcoming Republican Kon-Vention (It starts on the 15th) will be nothing short of a 4 day long goose-stepping celebration of Christian Nationalism. It won't even be thinly disguised. They're all in your face now. Lots of flags. Lots of hate. Lots of white, white, white Republican Jesus! I can't wait to see their latest farcical attempt to fool some of us into thinking they aren't racists by trotting out sad, shattered Tim Scott again, while holding workshops down the hall about African-Americans intrinsically not being qualified to be airline pilots, how to exert power and control over women, and how to make the lives of LGBTQ+ citizens miserable. How about a spiffy dance number with Speaker Mike Johnson, Marjorie Traitor Greene, and Sean Hannity in blackface? Wouldn't shock me! Would it shock you? Really? OK, maybe it's just more likely that all those repug goons will all be painted up in orange on the first night and gold the rest of the week. Whatever pleases their Dear Orange Leader, they will do. They love him so, by the tens of millions. 

But why does he need immunity if he's committed no crimes?



Jul 07

All democracies that turn into dictatorships will begin with enabling acts. Soveriegn immunity granted by the nazi court is our enabling act. They know that pussies won't use it to cleanse the republic of treasonous nazis (including nazi judges) because... pussies never do anything about anything, no matter how many times you vote for them.

But the nazi fuhrer... he'll use it. cuz who will stop him? Certainly not any of YOU!

Jul 08
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Or YOU, doubly!

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