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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! A Handy Guide To GOP Talking Points About Trump's Convictions!

We Don't Need No Stinking Laws Edition

by Noah

I remember when the verdicts were coming in on each count. I may have mentioned before that my relieved and somewhat gleeful wife came into the room and said, "Let's put on FOX!" "Yes," I said. "I bet they're going even more bonkers than they usually are," and they were of course. Their bonkers was on 11 going right up to 100 at the least, as their dysfunctional treason brains kept groping for explanations for how this reality could possibly be when the answer was right in front of them: Their idol had broken laws and a jury of citizens who, unlike the ones you see on FOX, didn't have brains half eaten by worms found Mr. Sir Farts-a-Lot guilty on all counts.

Since then, I've been making a list of all the stock phrases emanating from the orifices that America's party of domestic terrorists and total freaks have been using to dismiss what has happened to their Dear Leader. And now, they've moved headlong into vengeance hopes. I doubt I could have said it as well. Besides, drawing is not my forte. So, here you have it, Tom Tomorrow's take on the subject!  


1 Comment

Jun 10

eerily similar to what your democraps were saying during slick willie's impeachment for perjury. he was obviously guilty but did not suffer for it. the justice "system" mocks itself sometimes. Like trump's impeachments, the acquittal of rittenhouse and OJ, and so on and so forth.

The guilty verdicts were proper, but still surprising given our justice "system" being what it isn't. Sentencing will be interesting. I EXPECT a nominal fine and, maybe, pointless probation.

But I also remember every day that trump remains unindicted for his most serious crimes: treason, insurrection and murder. so... there's that.

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