by Noah Do you really think their timing was just a coinkydink? End of Pride month: end of affirmative action, and end of another aspect of equal treatment for LGBTQ+ folks, and throw in a bonus of the end of student loan forgiveness, too! "How can we beat up the American public? Let us count the ways!" The court didn't just issue their heinous rulings from deep in their evil minds, they timed it all for maximum rubbing it in your face effect. They want everyone in chains of one sort or another. Yep. There they go again, doing just what the Korporate Nazis that pull their strings want. Last year, it was women. This year it was "But wait! There's so much more!" Who could have guessed that the court would attack the public like they have? Answer: Anyone with a pulse and a few dozen brain cells left. John Roberts obviously sees his mission as the infliction of as much pain upon the American public as he can deliver and he knows he has a free hand to do so. The astounding arrogance and belligerence! There's no bigotry and hate that his kind won't think of decreeing upon us all. You can feel the smugness and hear the laughter emanating from the court past the beltway and into every corner of the country now. What's in store for next year? Already we're hearing about members wanting to ban contraception. What else? No more rock, jazz, or hip-hop concerts? No more gay characters in movies or TV shows? All couples in TV commercials must be of the same race? Approval of special lynching zones? OK, maybe that last one's on the planning board for 2025 or 2026, not 2024. A-holes like Alito and Roberts are probably already requesting cases as bogus as that fake student loan forgiveness LGBTQ+ website case they just ruled on. Anyone backed by any Nazi group or billionaire can file a grievance now and if it's to the court's liking, they'll happily issue a decree! "No substance needed. Just give us the outline of a concept that matches our fascist desires!" Damn, it's so easy right now to select at least 5 black-robed goons, all approved by the equally owned U.S. $enate of course, for a one way ride in the nearest submersible. They all want free boat trips? I have just the ship in mind!
Oh, in case you think I haven't made myself perfectly clear:

the observation I made a few days ago. hate against women, lgbtq and youth is now legal. hate against blacks became legal again a decade ago.
to get an idea of how long it takes to go from "legal" to official gummint policy, just reflect on how long it took after the court ruled that VRA was moot for nazis to start passing anti black lege and doing anti black gerrymanders. it took no time at all since the nazis knew in advance, because of who is on the court, that hate shall be the law of the land. lege to make it policy was already in the works.
also, to remind yourselves, just what did your democraps do to…