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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! A Certain Political Element Is Not Sending Its Best, Or Are They? 

by Noah

One dresses up in furs and wears horns. Another puts on kinky tighty whitey vinyl boots complete with lifts and tries to pass himself off as some kind of normal. OK, yeah, I know, that's Florida so maybe he's just trying to blend in. Then, there's that treason goon from Georgia who sees Jewish Space Lasers wherever she goes. Speaking of treason, how 'bout the dead from the neck up clown from Ohio who likes to watch wrestlers in the showers with their coach. 

Did I mention the slug from Texas who fled to Cancun during a dangerous coldwave and left the family dog behind in a freezing unheated house? And that reminds me, another one took the family dog with him but strapped it to the car roof and zipped on down the highway. Now another fiend has come along, a fiend who shot her puppy in the face and took time out to shoot her goat on the way back to the house. And, the Dear Leader of all of them paints his face with orange goo and craps in his pants all day as a novel way of sending his message to all of us. Soon that one will be selling autographed scratch and sniff courtroom sketches to his 74,000,000 fans.

Now, we've got a complete nutter that has worms in his brain. Well, that's what he says. Hey, at least he's copping to the fact that something may be amiss in la cabeza. So what if the explanation is just as nuts as just about everything else he's been saying. Just how long has that worm been there? How could anyone tell? Oh, and his chief benefactor is a podcast cretin who never bathes and is on his way to prison when he should be facing a firing squad.

The fact is, folks; there's definitely a pattern in the political scene here. We see it everywhere. Denial is futile. As a measure of the gravity of it all, think of all the wackos I didn't even have to mention: None of the clowns saying Merry Christmas by having their little grade school cherubs posing with high powered weaponry in front of the tree. Neither Kentucky senator. No guy with gold bars buried in his backyard. No TV news reader who actually thinks she's the governor of Arizona and is running for senator. And don't even ask me what that escapee from a John Waters film that's now the governor of Arkansas is supposed to be!


I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what's next! I could predict, but why bother! Whatever it is is just around the corner!



May 14, 2024

hater... reading comprehension. Yes, they all do have things in common. gaza for one. But also being the worst their parties and voters ever puked up. You know... like the title says. You're just projecting again. scrounging in your own imagination for something to rage about. hate is like that.

when hate and stupidity subsume reason for 56 years... you get this guy, these parties, these candidates... and this shithole.


May 14, 2024

Poor, poor guestcrapper. Yes, Biden has his flaws but crapper has missed the premise of a post again. That's either because of his limited intellect or his typically frenzied haste to assert his agenda like a bull in a china shop. Here's a hint, crapper: All the people referred to in Noah's post have something in common that Biden doesn't have. Therefore, Biden would not have fit no matter how pathetically you try. And, no, the common thread is not party. Give it a try, crapper! If you can't figure it out, go out and see if you can solve some of your anger issues by trying to hit some golf balls to Canada.


May 13, 2024

"A certain..."? How about NO political element is sending their best.

Sure, jr just crapped his chance to even be a spoiler. And trump... 'nuf said.

But you didn't mention the old (and now evil) rusty anvil that YOU all puked up, just like the money ordered. If he's your best... you really need to rethink your whole party... which is what I been sayin' for decades now.

Maybe it's about time to just admit that if voters think this is as good as it gets... the problem is with voters?

In a sane society, these guys would total about 10k votes tops... cuz we let the insane vote in this shithole.

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