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Midnight Meme Of The Day! A CEO A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

Are Insurance CEOs The Ultimate Grifters?

by Noah

Yep! That's our insurance system: "Keep those damn doctors away from the patients! That costs us money, lots of money, and we only do this for our annual multi-gazillion dollar bonuses, and, gee, why are people starting to shoot at us?"

Is there a perfect storm coming; lots of guns, lots of cancer, all mixed with lots of claim denials? Damn, how's a grifter gonna make any cash if they start paying out a fair share of the grifted cash they take in? Here in New York, the sharp as a ping pong ball voters have elected an idiot mayor who just said some people "have a distaste for corporations." Ya think??!!!?? 

We are in what I call The Age Of Ultimate Cynicism, and not just from the victims of insurance corporations. That cynicism is just one of the end products of the much greater level of cynicism that's reflected in the attitude of CEOs and CFOs that trickles down right through their department structure charts towards the public. Do you doubt that? If so, think of this: Just as one example, just one, the scumbags that run insurance companies hang out with their own scumbag brethren that run companies that pour carcinogens into our water and air. It's a vicious cycle of a billionaires club full of people who create illness and enjoy laughs on the golf course with parasitical insurance execs who cynically profit from the situation while they all pay off politicians to look the other way. Anything for a Rolls Royce in the driveway and enough money to buy those $enators and Presidents, no? That's all in a bipartisan manner, of course.


And speaking of bipartisanship; whatever happened to that healthcare public option idea anyway? Answer: Well, every Republican was against it but so were enough rightwing Democrats to make it go bye bye. In order to get even what became known as Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act), the public option became a sacrificial lamb used in the process of getting us enough votes from rightwing Democrat $enators like Joe Lieberman and Max Baucus so we could at least end up with the incremental improvements of Obamacare instead of something more substantial like Medicare For All or something even better, you know like the rest of the countries in the developed world have. Sure, I'm happy that we have Obamacare. It was the least they could do, literally. And, did you know the Obamacare idea largely came from rightwing con artists at The Heritage Foundation? Of course, it was called Romneycare first. Let that be a measure of how lacking it is compared to what this country should have and could have if the powers that be really gave a damn. Not only that but 76,000,000 idiots just voted to make insurance CEOs blissfully happy and get rid of all of it. Obamacare, Medicare, the whole thing, with the end of Social Security as the cherry on top. They think we'll all just buy more fake insurance from them. Really, with what money? How ironic would it be if America's insurance companies started begging for billions in government subsidies?

To wrap up, I'll just add that these insurance CEOs are even worse than mega church preachers who make their cash by promising "eternal salvation." Nevermind that "eternal salvation" to the Joel Osteens and Pat Robertsons of the world really just means a 20 car garage for the custom car collection and a few extra mansions. Damn, did I forget to mention the yachts? Yeah, the yachts. And FU2 to the Jamie Dimons and Lloyd Blankfeins of the world as well. "A distaste for corporations?" You bet, and it's growing all over this country, like a giant tumor fed by galaxy size greed and cynicism.


Oh, and by the way, let me show that I do have at least some compassion for the CEOs! Up to them! Their choice! One of them is dead now and there are so many requests for bodyguards going out that security companies literally can't meet the demand. Too bad, eh? Christ, they're lucky no one has flown a plane into the Prudential Tower. They're too dumb and callous to think of that one.


1 Comment

Dec 11, 2024

To the longwinded commentator below- Anyone who reads your pathetic Trump style rants and missives knows how egotistical you are and that you can never have enough self control to pass up a chance to put other people down. You can fool some of the people some of the time but do you really think that ALL of us might have forgotten the real time extensive writings of Howie and Noah back when the ACA was being forced through Congress? The desperation you show as you always try to convince others, but mostly yourself, that you are smarter than anyone else play a big part in showing what a mess you are. All three of the points you list have…

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