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Midday Cartoon Post Of The Day! The Chants Of The Republican Cult!

Writer's picture: Howie KleinHowie Klein

by Noah

I still remember the Kent State shooting. 4 dead and 9 more wounded on the campus of Kent State University. The anniversary of that is fast approaching. The victims were protesting a war. The perps were the national guard but they were egged on by the likes of human shitbags with names like Nixon, Ronald "BloodBath" Reagan, Robert Strange McNamara (Yes, that was his real name), Spiro "Bags o'Cash" Agnew, Henry Kissinger, and many others, all criminals of their time, not the least of whom was then Ohio Governor James Rhodes who had, just the day before, vowed to "eradicate the problem" of protesters.

I also remember well how, after the deed was done, Republicans all over the country went around chanting "Four More! Four More!" I lived in Washington at the time, the Nixon era, and I remember what a slogan it was there as republicans drove down the streets holding four fingers up and chanting their chant. Homicidal Beavis & Butthead stuff. It was like that everywhere. Sometimes, they even drove their cars up on the sidewalks with intent. You think the police gave a damn?

Now, the Domestic Terror Party has lots of newer chants. There's "Lock Her Up!" There's "Let's Go Brandon!" But, nothing is more deadly right now than their policies that amount to a chant of "More Mass Shootings! More Mass Shootings!" and the DTP has repeatedly told us all that they will continue to do everything they can to assure "More Mass Shootings!" Some fools say it's because they're bought, paid for, and controlled by Wayne LaPierre's NRA. That's a factor, but I've got news for you: They'd do it for free. Last week in Tennessee was the tip of the iceberg. You have to look at what kind of people they are in the first place. Sadly, brainwashed and naive Americans won't even vote for enough people, of any party, to stop them. The best candidates get weeded out along the way, deliberately. We all know why. Well, most of us do. Political threshing machines driven by banks and billionaires.

Can you imagine yourself being so sociopathic or psychotic that you'd chant those chants? It's all about what they are. It's a big part of the qualification of being a total nihilistic maniac if you want to register as a Republican, right up there with being a racist and misogynist. Think about why Kyle Rittenhouse is so celebrated.

As we recently saw in the Tennessee legislature, republicans will not tolerate opposition to their homicidal proclivities. A couple of years ago now, a bunch of local republican terrorists marched themselves into the Michigan legislature in a show of war weapon force. Their intent was clearly to intimidate any opposition there. "We don't want your stinking democracy.We don't need no stinking badges!" It's who they are. Some of them even devised a plot to kidnap the governor of the state. Fortunately, at least some of those particular plotters were caught, tried, and convicted. It won't always be thus. Will the target be student protesters, a democratic side of the aisle, or an all ages march for sanity. Sooner or later, another Kent State is coming. A voter approved one, at that.


2 comentarios

16 abr 2023

"More Mass Shootings! More Mass Shootings!"

ask and ye shall receive. (why doesn't anyone ask for guns to be illegal?)

The NRA meets; nazi candidates show up to celebrate; and america obliges with SEVERAL mass shootings since friday. the latest one I'm seeing was at a birthday party!

DWT continues to shill for a party that has refused to do "merrick garland" about guns for ... ever, AND pretends it's against guns and mass shootings.


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14 abr 2023

my memories go back to the UT clock tower sniper who killed 14 and wounded 30(?) in 1961. His body count goes to 16 if you include his mommy and wife who he dispatched with a knife before going to school and inspiring over 6 decades of copycats.

My memory of Kent state... at least one of the dead was simply walking across campus to or from class... not even a protestor.

I guess if you want 4 dead, you don't much care which ones.

democraps have had and squandered HOW many opportunities to pass gun controls since 1961? y'all have had and squandered HOW many cycles in which to elect a party that WOULD pass useful gun controls?

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