by Noah
Some of the denser people you may know might look at this and say, "That's not a cartoon," but I disagree and it's my post so what I say goes. I see a picture of two cartoon figures, a cheerful welcoming guy with a high voice beloved by millions who will be around long, long after the bondage boy is gone, no matter how long and how destructive his stay. Right now, Ron DeSantis is begging for punishment and, hopefully, he continues to get it!
Ronnie Leather Boy is running 15 points behind The Orange Menace To Society. 15 points behind an orange mange-infected sewer rat. Republicans would rather have the traitor who tells them to inject Lysol and pays $130,000 for a few seconds of being spanked with magazines that feature his own face than you, Ron. On the one hand, that's the Republican Party during this last week in April of 2023 and the foreseeable future. That says an awful lot about the party. On the other hand, since there's currently no Number 3, it says that Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump are the best the Repugs have to offer and that fills them with pride. Sure, there are others that would fill Republicans with pride, garbage humans like "Ted" Cruz, Adolf Hawley, Lindsey Graham, Lauren Boebert, Ms. Traitor Greene... but those are not at the top of the charts right now, even if the last one I mentioned is running the House and serving as the real face of the Republican Party. Not to worry, there's plenty of time. Maybe they'll even pull Michele Bachmann or that grotesque loudmouth gas-filled beachball from New Jersey out of retirement.
So, dear Republican Party, here's a suggestion: Instead of a primary and all those absurdist crackpot debates and rallies, why don't you just spend the next year and a half determining your nominee by holding a weekly game show called "Oh Bondage! Up Yours!" Nothing to do with the hit song by X-Ray Spex, of course. That would require at least an iota of irony on your part and, for that, you'd have to have at least an ounce of humanity. Have at it!
since der pumpkinfuhrer, the nazis full-on deity, leads in all polling and is steadily walking away from desantis and the single-digits and zeros, he'd be a total fool to "debate" anyone.
ION, Disney has filed a suit in federal court against the goverchancellor AND the "don't SAY gay" law. This will be an important nazi test case. if the federal court says that restricting speech is contrary to the 1st, then the supremes will be invoked. It will be their (the 5 nazis + roberts) opportunity to declare the 1st "unconstitutional".
If all that happens, the nazi reich will be all but reality. It will be the gift to whomever wins the 2024 election that catalyzes the declaration of martia…