by Noah
If you want a steady consistency in modern American life, you've got it! You've got a constant assault not just on the senses but on sanity itself! Congratulations America! The names of the perps and the names of the states may change but, really, are Samual Altio and Clarence Thomas any different at the bottom line than Sidney Powell or Rudy Giuliani? When it comes to loon states, is Idaho really all that different from Texas, Flor-i-duh, or South Carolina? How long before we hear about a Republican legislator that has the walls of his mancave covered with nicely framed black and white pictures of lynchings and a few "historical" nooses? Are you counting down the days until the Pillow Guy announces his candidacy for the presidency and he becomes a star on FOX again? I am. Why not? Do you look at today's world and think, "Nah, that could never happen?" Are you sure about that? Really sure?
So what about next week? Past is precedent.