by Noah
Imagine some day in the future when your great-grandkids ask what Republicans were like way back in 2023! You can refer them to this cartoon which served as a blueprint for a place called DeSantis Land-- The Angriest Place On Earth! A place where the trains ran on time! Well, just the trains that were deporting people of "suspect ethnicity" ie, black, brown, or even slightly Jew-ish. A place where a whole party covered their tiny brains under little red hats and mourned the failure of their attempted violent coup, but also a place where great strides were made in the oppression of women. A place where books were banned from libraries and then whole libraries were wiped off the Earth! A place where a black kid could be shot just for ringing a doorbell or, better yet, just for being! But, most of all, a place where republicans felt free, totally free, to be their ugly selves and aim an AR-15 at anyone who disagreed, pull the trigger and yell "I'm standing my ground!"
currently, the states of FL, TX, OH, OK, ID and a few others ARE the nazis' amusement parks. I'd add KS and WI, but those two have become... pesky lately. Not to worry, the entirety of the usa will be their playground very soon. y'all have refused to do "merrick garland" about it for 50 years. if y'all let biden be your nom in 2024, y'all just don't give a shit.