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Meet The Press Invited A Deranged, Bloodthirsty Closet Queen On To Propose That Israel Nuke Gaza

Writer: Howie KleinHowie Klein

Psychopaths Itamar Ben-Gvir And Bezelel Smotrich Were Kvelling

Bernie was on Meet The Press yesterday. “Israel,” he said, “should not be receiving another nickel in U.S. military aid. Look, the facts are quite clear. Hamas is a terrible, disgusting terrorist organization that began this war. But what Israel has done over the last seven months is not just gone to war against Hamas, it has gone to war against the entire Palestinian people. And the results have been absolutely catastrophic… [W]e’re talking about not just 35,000 Palestinians dead and 77,000 wounded— two thirds of whom are women and children. That is not the way you conduct a war in a civilized society, to the degree that war is civilized. We're talking about 60% of the housing in Gaza having been destroyed. The civilian infrastructure— that's water, that is raw sewage— now running out into the streets. No electricity. You are talking about a systematic destruction of the health care system there. Every university in Gaza has been bombed. And right now, most frighteningly, according to the humanitarian organizations, we are looking at the likelihood of hundreds of thousands of children facing starvation. The Foreign Assistance Act is very, very clear— 6201, the provision— any entity, any state, any country that blocks U.S. humanitarian aid is in violation of law and should not continue to receive military aid from the United States. That is precisely what Israel has done.

In response to a question, he added that “[E]very Republican as I understand it wants to give huge amounts of money to Israel. My guess is that many Republicans want Israel to go into Rafah despite the incredible humanitarian destruction that will cause. And there are Democrats who also feel that way. But this is what I will tell you, Kristen: That is not what the American people feel. Poll after poll suggests that the American people want an immediate cease fire. They want massive humanitarian aid to get in. People of our country do not want to be complicit in the starvation of hundreds of thousands of children. And by the way, when we talk about the international community, we are increasingly isolated in terms of our support for Israel, who is becoming a pariah nation.”

The guest after Bernie, as yin follows yang, was deranged South Carolina closet case and war monger— not Tim Scott, the other one: Lindsey Graham, who came on to rant and rave at Biden for slowing down some weapons delivery, albeit just the ones that are used in Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people. His introduction was barely complete before he was puking out the AIPAC pro-genocide position:

Crazy Ms Graham: I think it's impossible to mitigate civilian deaths in Gaza as long as Hamas uses their own population as human shields. I've never seen in the history of warfare such blatant efforts by an enemy, Hamas, to put civilians at risk. And the last thing you want to do is reward this behavior. They've put weapons in mosques. They fire artillery rounds from apartment buildings. They put command centers under hospitals to maximize civilian casualties, as Israel tries to destroy the terrorist group. You don't want to reward this by restricting weapons to the victim of their attack. But let me just say this: this is Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day. But this is a tough time for the world. What Senator Sanders said, ‘Not another nickel of military aid to the United States,’ is the most dangerous, irresponsible statement in the history of the U.S. relationship. This is not Vietnam. Israel is in a fight for their lives. Hamas says they will do it again and again and again. They're dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state, not helping the Palestinian people. Iran, the great Satan, vows to destroy Israel, so does Hezbollah. Israel is surrounded by forces, terrorist groups, that want to destroy the Jewish state, not help the Palestinians. This is 9/11 and Pearl Harbor all rolled into one. To abandon Israel under these circumstances would be outrageous. It would be dangerous. And Republicans are going to fight back against Bernie Sanders and the Squad.
Kristen Welker: Senator, let me just push you a little bit, though, because of course the United States has provided Israel with tens of thousands of bombs and missiles, just to prove— some $14 billion in military aid last month. So the United States, even the IDF has said, has given it an extraordinary amount of support. I want to ask you, though, do you think Israel is in any way prepared to listen to, to work with President Biden? And is he trustworthy? And let me ask it this way: in a survey this week, more than half of Israelis said they thought Prime Minister Netanyahu's chief consideration was his own political survival. You've said you trust Israel more than the U.S. Defense Secretary. But why should Americans trust Netanyahu to put the United States’ interests first?
Crazy Ms Graham: Americans should be all in and helping Israel against an existential threat. The one thing Israel and America has in common: Hamas would attack us if they could, Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism that shouts “Death to America” and Hezbollah's in the same camp. I've never heard anybody in Israel chant “Death to America.” The people Israel is fighting are bent on destroying all of the Jews. This is Holocaust remembrance month, for God's sakes. We should unequivocally support Israel. Yes, work with them to limit civilian casualties. They want to do that. I know they do. They have a whole battalion dedicated to that. But this idea of withholding weapons to Israel is rewarding the tactics of Hamas to put civilians at risk. Here's my statement to the administration: Sit down with Israel, keep the weapons flowing and work out a plan, if you can, that gets us all to where we need to be. I talked with Israel this morning. They are discussing, with the Biden administration, a way forward. I am somewhat hopeful we can jump over this impasse, but do not let Bernie Sanders run this war. Bernie Sanders and the Squad are insane when it comes to how to defend Israel. He just said on national television “cut off every nickel of military aid” to the Jewish state who's being threatened with oblivion. Shut these people down. This decision was political. He's trying to appease the radical left, Biden is.
Kristen Welker: Senator, just to be clear, the administration's position is not to cut off every nickel. And I guess the question is, why does Israel need the most massive bombs that can potentially level an entire block in order to wage this war? Why can't it be more precise?
Crazy Ms Graham: Listen, you know, here's what I would say about fighting an enemy who wants to kill you and your family. Why did we drop two bombs— nuclear bombs— on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? To end a war that we couldn't afford to lose. You don't understand apparently what Israel is facing. They're facing three groups. Iran, who has received $80 billion in aid. When Trump left office they were exporting 300 barrels of oil a day. Now they're at 1.3 million a day. They've been enriched by Biden. They're taking that money to kill all the Jews. So when we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl Harbor, fighting the Germans and the Japanese, we decided to end the war by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons. That was the right decision. Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war they can't afford to lose and work with them to minimize casualties.
Kristen Welker: Senator, military officials would argue that there has been so much technology since those bombs were dropped that for that very reason that is why Israel and other developed countries can be more precise. But let me ask it this way because President Biden is not the first president to use arms shipments to try to influence Israeli policy. As you know, former President Ronald Reagan on multiple occasions withheld weapons to impact Israel's military actions. Did President Reagan show that using U.S. military aid as leverage can actually be an effective way to rein in and impact Israel's policy?
Crazy Ms Graham: When you're telling the world you're going to restrict weapons delivery to the Jewish state who is fighting a three-front war for their survival, it emboldens Iran, it emboldens Hamas. Sinwar is probably juiced up on the idea there's daylight between the United States and Israel. The hostage deal is harder. This is the worst decision in the history of the U.S./Israel relationship, to deny weapons at a time the Jewish state could be destroyed. So here's what I would say. There is some hope we can get over this. Nonnegotiable, the destruction of Hamas. Nobody in Israel will allow Hamas to be standing militarily or politically when this is over. How we get there is subject to negotiation. My problem is not with the weapons that Israel is using. My problem is with the tactics Hamas is using. And the idea that America would not send a nickel of aid, echoed by a United States senator when all the Jews are trying to be killed by radical Islamic groups tells us where we are at as a nation. The Republican Party is with Israel without apology.
Kristen Welker: Well, historians would say, "Why is it okay for Reagan to do it and not President Biden?" But let me ask you about the big deal…
Crazy Ms Graham, rudely interrupting for the rest of the show: well, can I say this? Why is it okay for America to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end their existential threat war? Why was it okay for us to do that? I thought it was okay. To Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state… The military officials that you're talking about are full of crap… Trump is poised to win. He said last night, when it comes to Israel ‘I’ll have their back. I'll give them what they need.’ Bernie Sanders is wrong about the polling here. Most Americans, 80%, side with Israel. The 20% unfortunately are in Congress and the State Department that side with Hamas. That's the problem with this war.”

To any normal person, Graham’s comments should be deeply troubling, raising ten-alarm-fire ethical concerns. Advocating for the use of nuclear weapons against Gaza is, to put it mildly, an extreme and disproportionate response to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Drawing parallels between the situation in Gaza and the bombings of Hiroshima (which killed between 70 and 80,000 people instantly and a total of 140,000 in the next 4 months) and Nagasaki (40 to 75,000 instantly and a total of 90,000 by the end of 1945) is not only historically inaccurate but also minimizes the immense suffering and environmental damage caused by the bombings. Gaza is densely populated and any use of nuclear weapons would result in catastrophic loss of life, widespread destruction, and long-term environmental and health consequences.

Although Israel has its own nuclear weapons, Graham advocated giving them nukes, which would make the U.S. a pariah state, which is exactly what Israel has become. One would think that a senior Senator, instead of advocating for violence and destruction, would be focusing on efforts to find peaceful and just solutions to the conflict through diplomacy, dialogue, and respect for human rights. Graham— who never saw a moment of combat— was a military lawyer and he should be aware that advocating for the use of nuclear weapons and disregarding the principles of proportionality and necessity in an armed conflict is not only ethically unjustifiable but also dangerous and counterproductive to achieving lasting peace and security for anyone in the region.

1 Comment

May 14, 2024

The sunday propoganda shows make a habit of inviting insane nazis and corporate fascist democraps. Usually Bernie is invited to provide the widest possible contrast to nazis and, occasionally, contrast to his own party. This time Bernie was invited because he has been talking a lot in opposition to his own party and the nazis. Let that sink in. YOUR party and the nazis are sympatico on gaza cleansing.

Bernie tries to make a point with: "That is not what the American people feel. Poll after poll suggests that the American people want..."

What Bernie wouldn't dare say and I keep pointing out is simply this: Americans poll in YOOOGE numbers for a whole cornucopia of vital issues, now includin…

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