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John Stuart Mill: Conservatives Are Not Necessarily Stupid, But Most Stupid People Are Conservatives

Writer: Howie KleinHowie Klein

Do You Need A Moral Compass To Lead The Country?

Peter Wehner worked in the White House for Reagan and both Bushes. When he says How To Prevent The Worst From Happening, he means Trump but he mens it in a different way than we do. He hates Trump because of how he’s torn up and destroyed the conservative movement and the tired, old GOP that couldn’t resist him… and still can’t put up an effect fight to prevent him from lathering the right with fascism.

Much of his description of Kamala for his conservative readers outlined why I wrote in Roland’s name rather than vote for her. He wrote that “in her ill-fated campaign for president in 2019, [she] positioned herself as a progressive champion.” Did anyone actually believe any of that, that any of it was more than political positioning that meant nothing at all— zero— in terms of her values, if she has values. Wehner wrote that she’s closest to the corrupt corporate new Dem conservatives than any other bloc of Democrats. 

“Nor are progressives particularly happy that during the 2024 campaign, Harris has broken with some of her previous liberal stances, such as opposing fracking, decriminalizing border crossing, and ending private health insurance. Harris has spent the closing stretch of the campaign appearing with the likes of Liz Cheney, not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She… risks losing Michigan because she is viewed by some in her party as too supportive of Israel. During the campaign, Harris has shared that she owns a Glock, said she’d anoint a Republican to her Cabinet, and declared that she’s a ‘capitalist’ who wants ‘pragmatic’ solutions. Her economic focus is on tax breaks for the middle class and on creating opportunities for small businesses. Her economic plan, The Post points out, contained few items on the liberal wish list. Progressive groups say they are finding a  ‘significant enthusiasm deficit’ among left-wing voters.” I’m pretty sure I would have held my nose and voted for her if I lived in a swing state, jut to defeat Trump.

“The strongest conservative case for voting for Harris,” wrote Wehner, “doesn’t have nearly as much to do with her as it has to do with her opponent. Trump remains a far more fundamental threat to conservatism than Harris. Trump has, in a way no Democrat ever could, changed the GOP from within and broken with the most important tenets of conservatism. That’s no surprise, because his desire isn’t to conserve; it is to burn things to the ground. In that respect and others, Trump is temperamentally much more of a Jacobin than a Burkean. He has transformed the Republican Party in his image in ways that exceed what any other American politician has done in modern times.”

Keep in mind that Trump’s line saving grace in my mind is that he is destroying the GOP. We own him a debt of gratitude for that. What normal people have seen as hypocrisy, Wehner, delusional, saw as the grandeur of his party. “The GOP once championed the central importance of character in political leaders, and especially presidents. It believed that serious personal misconduct was disqualifying, in part because of the example it would send to the young and its corrosive effects on our culture. It lamented that America was slouching towards Gomorrah.

In 1998, when a Democrat, Bill Clinton, was president and embroiled in a sexual scandal, the Southern Baptist Convention— whose membership is overwhelmingly conservative— passed the ‘Resolution of Moral Character of Public Officials, which said, ‘Tolerance of serious wrong by leaders sears the conscience of the culture, spawns unrestrained immorality and lawlessness in the society, and surely results in God’s judgment.’ It added, ‘We urge all Americans to embrace and act on the conviction that character does count in public office, and to elect those officials and candidates who, although imperfect, demonstrate consistent honesty, moral purity and the highest character.’ Yet for a decade now, Republicans, and in particular white evangelicals, have celebrated as their leader a felon and pathological liar; a person whose companies have committed bank, insurance, tax, and charity fraud; a sexual predator who paid hush money to a porn star; a person of uncommon cruelty and crudity who has mocked the war dead, POWs, Gold Star families, and people with disabilities. Under Trump, the party of ‘family values’ has become a moral freak show.” As far as I can remember, it was always a moral freak show; Trump just exposed it.

This could only be written by the kind of dogmatic conservative that fits John Stuart Mill’s timeless “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”

Trump has also profoundly reshaped the GOP’s public policy. The GOP is now, at the national level, effectively pro-choice, and, due in part to Trump, the pro-life movement is “in a state of political collapse,” in the words of David French, of the New York Times. The Republican Party, pre-Trump, was pro–free trade; Trump calls himself “Tariff Man” and referred to tariff as “the most beautiful word in the dictionary.” (In July, Trump proposed acros-the-board tariffs of 10 to 20 percent, and rates of 60 percent or higher on imports from China.) He epitomizes crony capitalism, an economic system in which individuals and businesses with political connections and influence are favored.
For several generations, Republican presidents have, to varying degrees, promoted plans to reform entitlement programs in order to avert fiscal catastrophe. Trump has done the opposite. He has repeatedly said that entitlement programs are off-limits. As president, Trump shredded federalism and made a mockery of our constitutional system of government by his use of executive orders to bypass Congress. He made little effort to shrink government, and lots of efforts to expand it.
On spending, $4.8 trillion in non-COVID-related debt was added during Trump’s single term, while for Biden the figure is $2.2 trillion. Trump added more debt than any other president in history. A Wall Street Journal survey of 50 economists found that 65 percent of them see Trump’s proposed policies putting more upward pressure on the federal deficit than Harris’s, and 68 percent said prices would rise faster under Trump than under Harris. And the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that Trump’s policies would increase budget deficits by $7.5 trillion over the next decade, compared with $3.5 trillion for Harris.
…Here and there, now and then, Trump is conservative— on court appointments, for example— but it’s something that he’s stumbled into, for reasons of political expediency, and that he’s just as liable to stumble away from. (Trump was pro-choice before he was pro-life before he moved once again towards the pro-choice camp.) Trump is fundamentally a populist and a demagogue, a destroyer of institutions and a conspiracy theorist, a champion of right-wing identity politics who stokes grievances and rage. He has an unprecedented capacity to turn people into the darkest versions of themselves. But he is something even beyond that.
In recent weeks, Trump has been called a fascist— not by liberal Democratic strategists, but by people who worked closely with him. They include retired General John Kelly,  who served as Trump’s chief of staff; retired General Mark Milley, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Trump presidency; and Mark Esper, Trump’s former secretary of defense, who has said that Trump has fascistic “inclinations” and is “unfit for office.” In addition, retired General James Mattis, who also served as Trump’s secretary of defense, has said he agreesbwith Milley’s assessment. And Dan Coats, Trump’s former director of national intelligence, has said he suspects that Trump is being blackmailed by Putin. 
The historian Robert Paxton, one of the nation’s foremost experts on fascism, was initially reluctant to apply the term fascism to Trump. The label is toxic and used too promiscuously, he believed. But January 6, 2021, changed all of that.
“The turn to violence was so explicit and so overt and so intentional, that you had to change what you said about it,” Paxton told Elisabeth Zerofsky, a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine. “It just seemed to me that a new language was necessary, because a new thing was happening.”
Trump’s “open encouragement of civic violence to overturn an election crosses a red line,” Paxton wrote in Newsweek shortly after Trump supporters violently stormed the Capitol. “The label now seems not just acceptable but necessary.”
Paxton could add to the parade of horribles the fact that Trump encouraged the mob to hang his own vice president, came very close to deploying 10,000 active duty troops to the streets of the nation’s capital to shoot protesters, invited hostile foreign powers  to intervene in our election, and extorted an ally to find dirt on his opponents. Paxton could have mentioned that Trump threatened prosecutors, judges, and their families; referred to his political opponents as “vermin” and the “enemy from within;” and called the imprisoned individuals who stormed the Capitol “great patriots.” He could have cited Trump’s call for the “termination” of parts of the Constitution and his insinuation that Milley deserved to be executed for treason.
Trump’s supporters may be enraged by the fascist label, but they cannot erase the words or the deeds of the man to whom the label applies. And the only way for the GOP to become a sane, conservative party again is by ridding itself of Trump, which is why even conservatives who oppose Harris’s policies should vote for her. Harris’s election is the only thing that can break the hold of Trump on his party.
Acquaintances of mine, and acquaintances of friends of mine, say that they find Trump contemptible, but that they can’t vote for Harris, because they disagree with her on policy. My response is simple: The position she once held on fracking may be bad, but fascism is worse. The position she holds on any issue may be bad, but fascism is worse.
A friend told me he won’t vote for either Harris or Trump. If Trump wins a second term, he said, “I suspect he will give more attention to his golf game than to siccing the IRS, FBI, or whoever on his political opponents.” His message to me, in other words, is to relax a bit. Trump may be a moral wreck, but he won’t act on his most outlandish threats.
My view is that when those seeking positions of power promote political violence, have a long record of lawlessness, are nihilistic, and embody a “will to power” ethic; make extralegal attempts to maintain power and stop the peaceful transfer of power; and use the words of fascists to tell the world that they are determined to exact vengeance— it’s probably wise to take them at their word.
If Trump wins the presidency again, conservatism will be homeless, a philosophy without a party, probably for at least a generation. And the damage to America, the nation Republicans claim to love, will be incalculable, perhaps irreversible. The stakes are that high.
Harris becoming president may not be the best thing that could happen to conservatism. But if she becomes president, she will have prevented the worst thing that could happen to conservatism and, much more important, to the country.

Yesterday, the editors of the Las Vegas Sun noted that “The nation must confront the fact that beyond [Trump’s] hateful character, he is crippled cognitively and showing clear signs of mental illness… When he does appear publicly, Trump struggles to complete sentences or sustain coherent thoughts, and has shown a pronounced difficulty concentrating and a tendency to repeat himself, sometimes within the same sentence. At a recent rally in New Hampshire, for example, Trump began to discuss infrastructure and wound up segueing into a disjointed monologue about loyalty and perceived injustices against him, ending with a bewildering comment about windmills causing cancer. This is not an isolated incident. A recent analysis by the New York Times noted that Trump’s rally speeches over the past eight years have become darker, longer, more profane and increasingly unfocused and unhinged— a troubling sign that he is no longer able to articulate ideas or reason in ways we expect of our leaders. This makes him prey to manipulations by his own staff or, worse, the control of foreign adversaries. He shambles about aimlessly, slurs his words and sometimes speaks gibberish. Always an effortless liar, now that his speeches are nothing more than a series of lies tangled in a mass inside his head, it appears he no longer even knows he’s lying.”

As voters consider Trump’s latest bid for the presidency, it’s essential to recognize that this election is not merely a choice between policy platforms or party loyalties. It’s a test of our willingness to safeguard our nation from leaders whose fitness for office is in serious question. This election is about protecting the integrity of our democracy from those who would let it collapse in the name of power, loyalty or expedience.
Donald Trump has never had the moral compass to lead this country. But even his supporters cannot afford to ignore the signs that he may no longer have the mental faculties to lead it either. The stakes are simply too high.

2 commentaires

01 nov. 2024

Morality is a slippery metric, and is intentionally NOT the metric by which the state judges people. Some religions say drinking coffee is immoral, some say "death to the infidel," or "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" is moral. As a nation of laws, it is illegal acts that should disqualify a candidate from office, not immoral ones because the laws, in theory, are the morality we've debated and settled on as a nation. You can have a stronger personal code of action, but you can't have a weaker one and be immune from prosecution. That said, it's surprising to me that the party that votes on moral character has chosen not only an obvious liar, philanderer and con-man, but …


31 oct. 2024

Trump and Musk plan on crashing the economy--where's that meme?

Musk has proposed heading a “Department of Government Efficiency” under a Trump Cabinet—and the former president has clearly taken him up on it. At Trump’s hate-filled Madison Square Garden rally over the weekend, Musk announced that the target is $2 trillion in cuts.

Trimming the budget to the level would have to include cuts to essential government services like Medicare and Social Security—and could result in an initial huge economic crash. But Musk admitted Tuesday that that’s all a part of the plan, agreeing with a far-right troll on X that crashing the economy would lead to “sounder footing” in two years.

How many voters are being told that…

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