Yesterday, AOC warned her supporters that “Across the nation, we’ve seen an alarming spike in anti-LGBTQ+— specifically anti-trans— bills being introduced in state legislatures. And just last weekend, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Speaker Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire called for the ‘eradication’ of ‘transgenderism.’… Last week, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed two anti-LGBTQ+ bills into law:
The first bans drag performances on public property in the state, as well as at any location where people under 18 could be present.
The second bans age-appropriate, medically necessary health care for transgender youth.
These bans are not about ‘child safety’— they are an attempt to label our queer and trans siblings as dangerous, and force the LGBTQ+ community back into the closet. Anti-drag bills have also been introduced in twelve other states. In fact, there are more than 375 bills targeting LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S. So, it’s no surprise that nearly 1 in 5 of any type of hate crime is now motivated by anti-LGBTQ+ bias. In fact, the last two years have been the deadliest on record for trans people— especially Black trans women. The trans and queer community is under attack. We cannot stand aside.”
Blue America endorsed Maebe A Girl because she’s the best qualified candidate running to replace Adam Schiff in California’s 30th congressional district. She’s a long-time advocate for Medicare for All, tuition-free public colleges, environmental justice, housing for all, peace, reproductive rights, a livable wage, racial justice and the other issues Blue America stands for. You can contribute to her campaign here or by clicking in the thermometer on the right. That she would be Congress’ first trans member is a bonus— but an important one. With all this anti-trans legislation being proposed and passed, having a transgender member is extremely valuable. And the 30th district, which includes Hollywood, Silverlake, West Hollywood and other LGBTQ-friendly parts of L.A. is a perfect place to elect someone with Maebe’s unique qualifications.
This week, she told her supporters nationally that “In light of the 450+ anti-LGBTQIA+ bills introduced in 2023, it’s imperative that the federal government take action to protect LGBTQIA+ people. If elected to Congress, the first piece of legislation I will introduce is a sweeping federal bill to protect the rights of all LGBTQIA+ people in the United States that I call The Protect LGBTQIA+ People Act… The silence from supposed left-wing politicians and LGBTQIA+ allies on the ‘eradicate transgenderism’ video and the 450+ anti-LGBTQIA+ bills moving through the US, is disheartening at best.” This is what her proposed legislation seeks to accomplish:
🌈The bill bans discrimination of LGBTQIA+ people in healthcare, government, schools, public spaces, and the workplace based on their LGBTQIA+ Self ID.
🌈The bill guarantees gender-affirming healthcare cannot be restricted in any state based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability status.
🌈The bill guarantees that anyone in the United States may express their self in any form of dress or appearance they choose, regardless of assigned gender at birth.
🌈The bill guarantees that LGBTQIA+ people cannot be denied employment or be fired based on their LGBTQIA+ identity.
🌈The bill guarantees that schools must recognize LGBTQIA+ people as they identify based on Self ID.
🌈The bill guarantees that same-sex marriage is federally recognized in all 50 states, and that states may not deny any two consenting adults a marriage license based on LGBTQIA+ status.
🌈The bill federally recognizes the existence of trans and non-binary people, and allows for gender markers of “M”, “F”, or “X” on federal documents based on Self ID.
🌈The bill federally requires all 50 states to recognize the existence and protections of LGBTQIA+ people, and allow for gender markers of “M”, “F”, or “X” on state documents based on Self ID.
🌈The bill restricts bans on LGBTQIA+ themed entertainment, including drag, in public spaces.
🌈The bill bans restrictions on LGBTQIA+ recognition in public education.
🌈The bill bans restrictions of LGBTQIA+ people in athletics based on Self ID.
🌈The bill guarantees LGBTQIA+ people may use public bathrooms & locker rooms based on Self ID.
🌈The bill federally recognizes the right of families to make gender-affirming healthcare decisions that are consensual between parents/legal guardians & trans youth.
🌈The bill allows for emancipation of LGBTQIA+ youth from abusive and intolerant parents/legal guardians.
🌈The bill restricts nonconsensual “gender-confirming” surgeries on intersex infants and children.