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Is It Finally The End Of The Road For Bob Good? Trump Finally Did The Country A Solid!

Trump or someone with a Trump mask + McGuire

Virginia 5th district GOP primary votes are all counted and incumbent Bob Good is trailing Trump-backed challenger John McGuire by 373 votes (50.3% to 40.7%). As far as Good is concerned, this still isn’t over and, aside from ranting and raving that it was fixed and corrupted and all the stuff Republican sore losers always claim when things don’t go their way, he says he’s willing to pay for a recount. Unfortunately for him, the Virginia Republican Party has already abandoned him and declared that McGuire is their candidate. Olivia Beavers reported that “While Good is within the threshold needed to request a recount, he is just shy of the 0.5 percentage-point-or-less requirement that would force a government-funded recount. Instead, he has to pay for it using his own campaign money.”

Yesterday, Jake Sherman and Mica Soellner reported that one aspect of this is that turmoil is roiling the House Freedom Caucus and that Good “has pushed aside” Ray Yonkura, a Gym Jordan ally and the executive director of the caucus’ PACs, the House Freedom Fund and House Freedom Action. The two have only raised $6.7 million this cycle, a far cry from the $18 million they raised last cycle or the $20 million they raised in 2020.

This is yet another data point showing the tumult in the HFC.
During an HFC meeting Tuesday night, lawmakers took turns beating up on Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) for endorsing Good’s primary opponent. Davidson posted a series of tweets defending his decision, noting Trump backed McGuire.
Jordan also griped about the state of the group’s political apparatus. Jordan questioned how the HFC’s political arm would protect Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), its former chair, with such a paltry fundraising operation.
Several sources say that Good has put the brakes on using Jordan’s name to raise money. Jordan is one of the best fundraisers in Congress, with $9.9 million in his own reelection account. Good raised $1.1 million this cycle.
Good also warned members about constant leaks to the press regarding the group’s internal affairs. During the closed-door session, Good talked extensively about the state of his primary race against McGuire.

Several members want to expel Davidson for having endorsed McGuire. Stolen valor Republican Troy Nehls opposes kicking Davidson out. Of of the dumbest members of the group, he recognizes, in his own words, that Davidson “is one of the smart ones.”

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