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I Think We Can All Agree On One Thing: No One Wants To Make America Florida

That RNC rule about how no one’s allowed on the first debate stage unless they pledge to back the eventual winner of the primaries, really is a joke. Most of the candidates— other than Ramaswarmy— who have commented on it have said they’ll just lie to get onto the state. Christie has made it clear he’d never vote for Trump. Neither would Hutchinson. Trump won’t vote for anyone not named Trump and yesterday DeSantis balked when asked if he’d vote for Trump.

And right on top of that— a 4th Floridian politician is threatening to jump into the race… or 3rd if you don’t count that laughable mayor of Miami as a legitimate candidate. Ex-governor, current senator and career criminal Rick Scott is making noise about running again. Yesterday Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman reported that if he does run, it would make him the latest high-profile Florida Republican to try to wrest the nomination from Señor T, which presumably means he has a higher profile than Rick DeSantis… possibly true, but given the attention span of sun-baked Floridian’s brains, possibly not. But certainly Meatball would absolutely see his shrinking support further erode if Scott jumps in.

There is no love lost between Scott and DeSantis— or between anyone and DeSantis, who most of his acquaintances seem to see as a slimy, unlikeable little rodent.

No one much likes Scott either, especially not his colleagues in the Senate, who probably would all love to see him run for president so that he night not run for reelection next year. I doubt a single member of the Senate would be sad to see him go. Among senators and top staffers, he’s the most disliked member other than Ted Cruz… and it’s close.

But Scott, entitled and closing in on 71 is rich enough to self-fund a campaign. He denies the rumors that he’s running but he’s an inveterate liar and no one believes anything he says.

More important… is Alan Grayson going to go through with running? He has already filed. But he hasn’t started an actual campaign yet. But I know he’d love to rejuvenate the Florida Democratic Party and could probably work on that as a crucial part of a statewide campaign.


1 comentario

23 jun 2023

who is this "all" to which you refer. obviously ignernt stooooopid evil white nazi men DO want to make america into FL.

And, of course, there are all the rest... who will refuse to stand in the way.

all the same when you think about it.

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