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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

House Conservatives Came Out Against Law, Order & Accountability— Stuff Reserved For Minorities Only

Netanyahu Is A Corrupt War Criminal— Which Is Why Conservatives Love Him

Gym Jordan, Israeli war criminal, MAGA Mike

Late on Tuesday, the House passed a cockamamie bill by Texas extremist Chip Roy to… I don’t know… chastise[?] the International Criminal Court. Every Republican voted for it— anything against courts you can count them to be against— and so did 42 AIPAC Democrats. The final vote was 247-155, with Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Warren Davidson (R-OH) voting “present.” Were it to pass the Senate— it won’t— Biden would veto it.

Robert Jimison reported  that the bill would compel Biden “to restrict entry into the United States, revoke visas and impose financial restrictions on anyone at the court involved in trying to investigate, arrest, detain or prosecute ‘protected persons,’ or allies of the United States. It would also target anyone who provides ‘financial, material or technological support’ to those efforts… Roy, aware that his legislation is unlikely to become law in its current form, said he hoped a bipartisan proposal could still emerge. ‘If the Senate wants to modify it, send it back to the House and try to address any of the concerns that have been raised by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, or on this side of the aisle— great,’ Roy said on Tuesday, adding, ‘They can send it back to us, and we can send a product to the president.’ House Democrats chafed at Roy’s insistence on rushing through a measure he knew they would not support on an issue on which there is consensus to be found. ‘Once again, we have a poorly drafted, poorly thought-out messaging bill that hasn’t gone through the committee process, that hasn’t gone through regular order, that hasn’t been thought through,’ Representative Brad Sherman, Democrat of California, said. ‘We cannot vote yes on a bill today that is this infirm and count on the Senate to clean it up.’”

On the Democratic side of the aisle, were all the Blue Dogs and the rest of the AIPAC whores, from Ritchie Torres (NY), Josh Gottheimer (NJ), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) and Jared Golden (ME) to Don Davis (NC), Brad Schneider (IL), Susie Lee (NV), Elissa Slotkin (MI) and Jared Moskowitz (FL). 155 Democrats, including all the party leaders, voted against it.

Yesterday, Eugene Daniel, Rachael Bade and Ryan Lizza reported that though there no date set for Netanyahu’s 4th joint session of Congress address, MAGA Mike “was hoping to unite Republicans and divide Democrats by inviting the polarizing Israeli PM, then he’s already succeeding beyond anyone’s wildest expectations.” They noted that Bernie said on Chris Hayes’ show “You do not honor a foreign leader by addressing a joint session of Congress who is currently engaged in creating the worst humanitarian disaster in the modern history of this country.” But even AIPAC allies like Steny Hoyer and Dick Durbin were unhappy with the invitation. Hoyer: “There will be a lot of disruption, and it will not be helpful for Israel or its supporters.” Many Democrats were puzzled that Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer signed the invitation. (Both are adamant, career-long AIPAC shills, so I don’t know where the “puzzlement” comes from.)

Former Obama aide Tommy Vietor: Netanyahu has long presented himself as “the only Israeli leader that can manipulate the West and interfere in our politics. He’s bragged about it publicly. He’ll come here, give a speech, take some shots at political enemies, and go back home and say, ‘Look, I did it again’ and get a polling bump from it.”

The Intel Committee? Really?

But inviting Netanyahu wasn’t the only way the novice and extremist Speaker harmed American security this week. At Trump's behest, he claims, he also appointed two of the most anti-American and least qualified members Congress to the House Intelligence Committee, dangerously drug addicted Ronny "Speed King" Jackson (R-TX)— who certainly couldn’t pass the most basic security test— and insurrectionist-under-investigation Scott Perry (R-PA). The committee members have access to the kind top secret intelligence that neither Scott nor Jackson should be allowed anywhere near, the kind of stuff Trump stole when he was booted out of the White House.

I spoke with one member of Congress, well respected by serious national security hands, both Democrats and Republicans, who told me, in confidence, that "this is a staggeringly awful thing to do. Those two can and will start telling Trump everything. And if Trump wins, the Nunes-like escapades will begin. I wonder if [Mike] Turner can hang on." Turner was surprised— and appalled— by the appointments... and by Perry's childish MAGA statement that He looks “forward to providing not only a fresh perspective, but conducting actual oversight— not blind obedience to some facets of our Intel Community.”



Jun 07

Relentlessly wrong is still wrong, hatewatt. Being wrong very loudly is still wrong.

No, I summarize and collate and then extrapolate. It's quite logical. Yet DWT (correctly) presumes that NOBODY else, including you, are capable of extrapolating... connecting dots and drawing the trend. So when I do it, he must censor it lest it spark something in those of you who have been spark proof for 6 decades.

You see, among so many things, he SAYS he despises biden (for his entire life) but SAYS he must vote for him. Since I subscribe to what the bible accidentally said (by their fruits shall ye know them... common sense, really), I have to presume that DWT is just as evil a…


Jun 07

Crapper the Chronic Keyboard Masturbator is whining (below) that he was censored again. This is what he says - Again, I summarized what YOU write and YOU censor it. So... what you write is bullshit?

I take that as him admitting that he doesn't write to make a contribution to the dialog but writes only to say "Hey everybody! Look at me!" Guestcrapper, I feel so bad that you are having a harder and harder time keeping it together. Please ask the head shrink where you live to up your meds. That may improve the quality of your "comments."


Jun 07

The 2 Dem Congressional "leaders" joined in the invitation of a war criminal whose party preferences are painfully obvious:

They're giving aid and comfort to a political enemy, they're dividing their own caucuses, and they're discouraging a good chunk of the party base. There's also that minor issue of:


Jun 07
Replying to

Patrick, Thank you for saying it.


Jun 07

Again, I summarized what YOU write and YOU censor it. So... what you write is bullshit?

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