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Hate-Filled, Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories Spreading Like Wild Fire Across The Internet

Writer's picture: Howie KleinHowie Klein

Earlier this morning, we posted a screen shot of a tweet from one of Congress’ most vicious and profoundly ignorant right wing Members, Mike Collins (R-GA), claiming that “Biden sent the orders” to assassinate Trump. Soon afterwards he posted another one, more baseless GOP bullshit inciting hatred:

Predictably, another lunatic fringe member from Georgia, Marjorie Traitor Greene, was tweeting away, driven by her inner demons and propensity for projection, claiming that Democrats “wanted Trump gone for years and they’re prepared to do anything to make that happen.”


And Collins and Traitor Greene were hardly the only ones stirring up communal violence and calling for Biden to face charges for “inciting an assassination.” South Africa fascist and Trump supporter Elon Musk blamed the Secret Service. There was no lack of conspiracy theories from the MAGA/QAnon crowd. The exact phrase “the price you pay when you take down elite satanic pedophiles,” was popped up on a dozen far right Twitter accounts, like this one from @HOTWisconsin: “This is the price you pay when you take down elite satanic pedophiles. Just a few days ago, death threats against Donald Trump were posted on X without any consequences. This order most likely came from the CIA, possibly colluding with the following people:

1. Alexander Soros 

2. Barack Obama 

3. Hilary Clinton 

4. Mike Pence”

And this one from well-known QAnon lunatic @GhostEzraQ: This is the price you pay when you take down elite satanic pedophiles. This order most likely came from the CIA, possibly colluding with the following people:

1. Alexander Soros 

2. Barack Obama 

3. Hilary Clinton 

4. Mike Pence.”

Another QAnon social media influencer, @ShadowOfEzra, posted the same message, right down to the “Alexander Soros” instead of George Soros. And on their own crazed platforms, the loony tunes set was blaming AntiFa or the “Deep State” and calling for civil war. Some of Elon Musk’s favorite anti-Semites announced it was “the Jews.”

A well known Oklahoma hate-monger, failed GOP Senate candidate, and head of a Pastors for Trump, @JacksonLahmeyer, posted this graphic, followed by a series of hateful messages like “Joe Biden and the Left is responsible for today’s assassination attempt” as well as several calls for Trump to pick Putinista, Michael Flynn as his running-mate.

Trump’s allies in the Kremlin was also busy stirring up trouble, blaming Biden for “creating an atmosphere that provoked the attack.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov: “After numerous attempts to remove candidate Trump from the political arena— using first legal tools, the courts, prosecutors, attempts to politically discredit and compromise the candidate— it was obvious to all outside observers that his life was in danger.”

Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of Russia's lower house of parliament, said American political crisis, deep divisions in society and Washington's focus on "interfering" in other nations' affairs were all causes of the attack on Trump.
"With its years-long policy, the United States has let itself reach literally the brink of civil war," Volodin wrote on Telegram.
Volodin also said Trump's position on Ukraine could not be completely ruled out as a reason for the attack.
"Trump is one of the few Western politicians who has openly spoken about the need to stop sponsoring military action," Volodin said.

3 comentários

15 de jul. de 2024

I wonder if the rhetoric and policies inspired by black on black crime will be applied to Republican on Republican crime?


14 de jul. de 2024

What, you expected a rational analysis from nazis... for whom everything is an opportunity and excuse to commence their reich and start killing people for revenge?

The same rational analysis has been missing on your side for 60 years. So you can't bitch too loudly about it.

IF you fools had thought it out just a tiny bit, your corrupt neoliberal pussy democraps would have been euthanized decades ago and replaced by a progressive movement that would have codified rights for women, lgbtqs, the poor, migrants, kids; banned most guns; provided FDR's "second bill"; enforced the consititution and rule of law; and a whole long list of other things... and drubbed the rump southern white nationalist movement before they became…

15 de jul. de 2024
Respondendo a

Why the fuck are you attacking Howie Klein?

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