In a new Morning Consult poll for Politico, released today, registered voters were asked whether or not they approve of Biden's $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan. 55% said they support it and 33% said they do not. Let's break that down a little since every Republican in Congress is against it:
Democrats/independents who lean Democratic- 83% support, 33% oppose
Republicans/independents who lean Republican- 27% support, 61% oppose
The results were very similar when registered voters were asked whether or not they support Biden's $1.9 trillion spending plan to improve child care, education and paid family leave. 56% approve and 34% disapprove.
Democrats/independents who lean Democratic- 84% approve, 10% disapprove
Republicans/independents who lean Republican- 28% approve, 63% disapprove
Now let's compare these numbers to another question they asked-- this one about the fake audit in Arizona. When asked whether or not the audits would uncover any information that will change the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, 30% of registered voters said yes and 58% of voters said no. The partisan breakdown:
Democrats/independents who lean Democratic- 14% yes, 57% no
Republicans/independents who lean Republican- 48% yes, 37% no
Whose fault is all this debilitating deadlock? The pollsters asked respondents to rate prominent politicians. These are some of the results.
Mitch McConnell
favorable- 23%
unfavorable- 56%
heard of but no opinion- 14%
never heard of- 7%
Nancy Pelosi
favorable- 34%
unfavorable- 56%
heard of but no opinion- 7%
never heard of- 3%
Chuck Schumer
favorable- 28%
unfavorable- 42%
heard of but no opinion- 17%
never heard of- 13%
Kevin McCarthy
favorable- 23%
unfavorable- 37%
heard of but no opinion- 23%
never heard of- 17%
Joe Manchin
favorable- 18%
unfavorable- 28%
heard of but no opinion- 20%
never heard of- 34%
Kyrsten Sinema
favorable- 11%
unfavorable- 18%
heard of but no opinion- 16%
never heard of- 54%
Susan Collins
favorable- 15%
unfavorable- 29%
heard of but no opinion- 19%
never heard of- 37%
Señor Trumpanzee
favorable- 43%
unfavorable- 54%
heard of but no opinion- 2%
never heard of- 1%
Vladimir Putin
(Among Republicans and Republican leaners)
favorable- 11%
unfavorable- 68%
heard of but no opinion- 10%
never heard of- 6%
(Among Democrats and Democratic leaners)
Favorable- 7%
unfavorable- 77%
heard of but no opinion- 10%
never heard of- 6%
Marjorie Taylor Greene
(Among Republicans and Republican leaners)
favorable- 24%
unfavorable- 19%
heard of but no opinion- 20%
never heard of- 37%
(Among Democrats and Democratic leaners)
Favorable- 9%
unfavorable- 49%
heard of but no opinion- 12%
never heard of- 29%
Sorry, I got a little carried away from the stats and off the topic. Monmouth also released some polling today, that will get us back on track. The results were similar to Morning Consult's-- the public favors Biden's big spending proposals, but Republican voters, victims of Fox and Hate Talk radio brainwashing oppose it:

10 more conservative senators-- 5 from each party joined the original groups of conservatives who are trying to whittle down Biden's popular plan and turn it into worthless shit. The new conservatives in the group are:
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Chris Coons (D-DE)
Frackenlooper (D-CO)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
Mark Kelly (D-AZ)
Angus King (I-ME)
Mike Rounds (R-SC)
Thom Tillis (R-NC)
Todd Young (R-IN)
Only in Washington-- and only the DC media-- could call these ten corporate whores and right-wing establishment jerks who live for the status quo, "moderates." It will be interesting to see if Biden decides to try to pass the shadow of his proposal with all conservative votes and no progressives... because that's the way this shit-show seems to be headed.
Progressives have made it clear the only way this bill negotiated by 10 or 20 conservatives and no progressives is going to get their support would be if another bill is supported by conservative Democrats like Manchin and Sinema via reconciliation that includes the things that the voters actually want-- like lower prescription drugs prices, for example, all the stuff corrupt, corporately-owned conservatives of both parties are blocking.
As for what the voters want, Data For Progress released a new poll this afternoon. No doubt what the voters want-- and it's very different from what conservatives want, of course. When it comes to paying for the massive infrastructure improvement voters are demanding, they do not want it paid for with the kinds of VATs and gas taxes and user fees conservatives are demanding. They want to rich to pay their fair share for a change:

based on actions over the past several decades, it is a real leap of faith to say that even biden and democraps want this package. In fact, when you remember that part of it is a raise in taxes on the democraps' main donors (who will not like it at all), you must conclude that the whole thing is a charade for the benefit of 80 million of the dumbest potted plants who ever voted... and their pundits.
So saying everyone wants it cannot possibly be true.
And since majorities to supermajorities of moron voters in this shithole have always polled FOR a lot of shit that both parties won't ever do, quoting them here about infrastructure and even their…