The Democratic primary to succeed Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District is one of the most important races in the United States right now. Out of a field of twelve candidates, one of the frontrunners is the former Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, Eileen Filler-Corn— and, if you’re a progressive, that’s a huge problem.
Virginia Democratic Action PAC is here to inform you that Eileen Filler-Corn is a mortal enemy of the progressive movement who has shown time and time again that she puts herself ahead of her constituents. As a career politician and lobbyist, her track record is riddled with actions that completely contradict the progressive values we all cherish. Repeatedly, she has sided with Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and Big Oil over the Democrats she was elected to represent.
The tobacco industry paid up to $50,000 to Eileen Filler-Corn’s firm, Albers & Company, while she was in elected office. The firm also represented the pharmaceutical industry, including Pharma giant Eli Lilly, who spiked insulin prices as Virginia Democrats pushed to lower them. Eileen Filler-Corn herself took $65,000 of gifts from polluters, including tickets to a football game.
Virginia Democrats eventually had enough of Filler-Corn and voted to oust her as Speaker after she repeatedly protected Dominion Energy, blocked progressive legislation, preserved the anti-union “Right to Work” law, and then proceeded to lose the Democratic majority. She blocked the “Green New Deal” Act, which would have required Dominion Energy to produce their electricity from 100% renewable energy sources by 2036. Democrats were especially furious when she left over $1,000,000 in her campaign coffers unspent because she wanted to hog the money that was meant to elect a Democratic majority for herself.

No wonder 25 out of the 48 Democratic Members of the Virginia House of Delegates voted to kick Eileen Filler-Corn out of the Speakership. She then resigned from the House of Delegates and started shopping around for a new way to advance her career.
After getting booted as Speaker, Eileen Filler-Corn cannot be allowed to jump into Congress as the next representative of Virginia’s 10th District. Unfortunately, an AIPAC-aligned dark money Super PAC called Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) is trying to buy this election and install her into office. They are backing her congressional campaign with cash that was supposed to be used to deliver a Democratic majority. The Loudoun County Democratic Committee, which has noted that Eileen Filler-Corn doesn’t even live in the district, attacked her campaign for exploiting the pain of the people of Gaza for personal political gain.
Please help Virginia Democratic Action fight back against Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI)’s efforts by donating as much as you can to air advertisements that will educate Northern Virginia voters on Eileen Filler-Corn’s terrible record. Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton should not be succeeded by a corrupt special interest lobbyist who will sell out her constituents.