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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

Dr. Stephen Frantz: President Biden Is Killing Palestinian Babies

"Merchant of Death" by Nancy Ohanian

President Biden is not killing babies alone, but with the help of his

harsh condemnation you ask? On 16 Sep 2024 the names of 710

Palestinian newborn babies were released by the Palestinian Health

Ministry. These babies were all age zero (<1yr); and all had been killed by

Israeli forces in the war on Gaza. If we include children under age 2, that

In Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israeli forces (and settlers)

routinely target Palestinian children (under age 18) with live ammunition

and confiscate children’s bodies in violation of international law. One

child is killed every two days in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)

More than 16,765 Palestinian children have been killed in Israeli attacks in

Gaza since 07 Oct 2023 (corrected to date of this writing); an untold

number lie under rubble and debris. In the occupied West Bank, more than

164 children have perished. For those bodies found, field researchers from

Defense for Children International-Palestine confirm each child’s full name

and date of birth by obtaining a copy of the child’s national identification

card or birth certificate plus affidavits, eyewitness reports, and/or video

footage. More names are to be listed as data collection proceeds.

Nihon Hidankyo, atomic bomb survivor and winner of this year’s Nobel

Pace Prize, commented on the similarities between post-war Hiroshima

and Israel’s war on Gaza, especially on the plight of children, the enclave

that U.N. officials have described as a “graveyard for children.” Biden has

not expressed the slightest sympathy for the Palestinian children who have

been killed by U.S. bombs, drones, snipers, tank shells, etc. U.S. Senator

Bernie Sanders has asked, what kind of permanent damage will occur to

virtually every one of these children that survive. How long can the U.S.

As I write this, news reports indicate that more than 127 children have

been killed and 690 injured in Lebanon by Israel’s IDF as they expand

military aggression “under the guise of attacking Hezbollah targets.” This

is the same ‘cover’ the IDF uses in Gaza as they kill Palestinians with

abandon. Note that the Lebanese Health Ministry reported more than 27 people killed and more than 2,750 injured with sabotaged cell phones,

pagers, walki-talkies, and lap-tops, most were civilians. Israel had

briefed the U.S. prior to the attack.


No one has been held accountable for killing these children, and Israeli

authorities are unwilling to take any action, all of which embolden Israeli

forces to continue killing with impunity. As outlined in the widely ratified

Convention on the Rights of the Child, Israel is obligated to “ensure to the

maximum extent possible the survival and development” of children.

Thus, “When an Israeli soldier targets a Palestinian child, or an Israeli

military official orders the targeting of a child, they are in violation of

international human rights, humanitarian, and criminal law.” “To protect

Palestinian children’s lives, the international community must act urgently

to enact an arms embargo and sanctions.”


"Complicit" by Nancy Ohanian

This is where President Biden enters the picture because he, and his

Administration are knowingly complicit in this slaughter. “He has no

shame, no sense of the dimensions of the horrific genocide that he and his

Administration are helping to perpetuate.” A healthy conscience cannot

simply ignore the mutilated bodies of tens of thousands of Palestinian

children. As noted earlier, these killings occur mostly with U.S.-

manufactured armaments. Thus, Biden could initiate an arms embargo

and sanctions that would force Israel to stop the slaughter tomorrow. Such

was done in 1982 with then President Ronald Reagan ordered then Prime

Minister Begin to stop the campaign in Beirut…within a few days they



Gaza and the occupied territories represent the largest and most shameful

open-air concentration camp of this century; it is Israeli-controlled through

laws, practices and state violence. Israel denies those living in

occupied territories under military rule even the most nominal privacy

protections. Israel is erasing Palestinian existence, one school-, one

university-, one hospital-, one refugee camp-, one mosque-, one World

Heritage Site-, and one safe area-at a time. Genocide is the term for acts committed to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or

religious group. This is not the first act of genocide, but it is the first to

be witnessed in real time on our electronic devices. However, Israel’s

ruthlessly savage attacks on Palestinians goes beyond, and the term for

that is omnicide (extinction of a people and its culture). As Ariel Sharon’s

son Gilad stated in 2012: “We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in

Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza…”. Zionism has mutated into an aggressive,

anarchistic, and murderous form of settler-colonialism. Today, Gilad’s

views seem like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sadly, Israel is aware that most

Western and many Arab states will not risk a relatively peaceful status quo

to help the Palestinians. Israel has crossed every red line with impunity…

America is preparing to come to the rescue as it did in the 1973 war. It

was mentioned in the news (09/24/2024) that the U.S. is sending ground

troops to the Middle East because of the Israel’s expansion of war into

Lebanon. Ironically, Hezbollah in Lebanon is sending rockets into Israel in

support of Hamas in Gaza, and it could all be ended if the Biden

administration would stop arming Israel which would stop its aggression on

Lebanon and end the occupation of Gaza as proposed in his “peace plan”

in May.16,17 In that plan to end the conflict, remaining hostages (~100 [64

presumed alive]) could have been freed by Hamas, and Palestinian

prisoners (~10,96612) could have been released by Israel; a deal to which

Hamas agreed, but which Israel rejected. Meanwhile, Biden insists on

propagating a distorted narrative of the 100+ year history of the region and

dismisses the current horror being perpetrated on Palestinians and



"Fascism Comes To Israel" by Nancy Ohanian

The definition of “antisemitism” is animosity toward Jews as Jews, and is

directed towards the Jewish religion and Jews individually or collectively.

The 2016 IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) new

definition includes “expressions of antisemitism directed against the State

of Israel” (that has ultimately lead to the dispossession of Palestinians). So

why does Biden continue to use the 2016 definition that conflates

antisemitism with criticism of the apartheid Israeli government? There is

no link between the two positions. How do we gain social justice for

Palestinians and for Israelis (re. 07 Oct 23 Hamas attack on IDF and

civilians) without falling into the trope (used by Biden, Blinken, etc.) that

“Israel has the right to “defend itself”? However, Israel has no right to

massacre more than 42,814 Palestinians, with at least 97,886 wounded (corrected to date of this writing). via its current “offensive of collective

punishment”; it has no Holocaust-sanctified demand for permanent

security. Israel has been a member of the UN since 1949 and is not a

victim in need of protection; ‘vicitimhood’ is passé in our post-colonial

world. Today, “Never Again for Anyone” is the slogan of the Jewish

Voice for Peace activists and is expressed loudly on U.S. campuses and



For its survival, Israel must radically change its model and accept equality

with all Palestinians at all levels. So where does this leave us? What is

our federal government doing in our name, complicity in killing innocent

babies and children? Is this genocide/omnicide morally tenable? What

are your members of Congress doing to end the carnage? How about

you, what will you tell your children you did during the omnicide in Gaza?

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