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Donald Trump Was A Regular On The Lolita Express Down To Jeffrey Epstein's Pedophile Island

E. Jean Carroll Was Hardly The First Woman Trump Raped

There’s been a lot in the news lately about Biden aging poorly but not much about Trump’s psychiatric problems and encroaching Alzheimer’s. Nor about the serious Trump problems that have contributed to his reputation as a degenerate going back decades. The media lets him get away, for example, with claiming that he hardly knew Epstein— who Trump later had murdered while in federal custody— though Trump flew down to Pedophile Island on the Lolita Express 7 times and appears in over 40 photographs with Epstein over the rape decades.

Reporting for Saturday for The Independent, Mike Bedigan looked a little more closely at the unsealed court documents from the Jeffrey Epstein case, a case that seems to prove that Trump is a serial rapist of children as young as 13 years old. “Graphic details about Donald Trump’s alleged ‘sexual proclivities,’” wrote Bedigan, “have emerged in the latest round of court documents containing details of late paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s associates.”

In the newly unsealed documents, [Sarah] Ransome testified that her unnamed friend “was one of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump”— including at Epstein’s New York townhouse.
“She confided in me about her casual ‘friendship’ with Donald. Trump definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her ‘pert nipples’,” she testified.
She then described in graphic detail how Trump allegedly caused pain to the victim’s nipples— and claimed she saw the resulting injury firsthand.
“I also know she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffery’s NY mansion on regular occasions as I once met Jen for coffee, just before she was going to meet Trump and Epstein together at his mansion,” she said.
Monday’s unsealed extracts were included in a letter sent by attorneys representing Alan Dershowitz, seeking to undermine Ransome’s credibility. Ransome said that she had seen sex-tapes involving prominent figures including Prince Andrew and UK billionaire Richard Branson.


8 comentários

08 de jul.

And who is it that has refused to prosecute trump for his interstate/international rape junkets? For decades?

Either elect a party that will enforce the law or quit bitching about who gets away with rape.


08 de jul.

both comments prove the truth of my comment that was censored. Fact is... nothing nazis or trump did or does or said or says will get any review by what passes as media in this shithole, including the democrap party's own msdnc, unless and until you and your party replace biden as nominee and president. Even if you replace him as nominee, the first time a white house decision is questionable, THAT will dominate the "news" for the same legitimate reason and supersede anything nazis/trump does.

The delusional support for biden ongoing by you and the party is despicable. He's clearly unfit.

Until you fix this, you have no call to bitch about trump and his crimes being ignored. Th…

08 de jul.
Respondendo a

hater with more speculative and delusional hate instead of anything of substance. I've already told you why I get erased on this page. It cares about the prospects of the party. And it does not give a shit about the constitution, like, you know, the first amendment, as you also do not. It also pretends to care about the republic, but the support of the party is still above all else. Any proof of this must be erased lest it spark something in someone who is still marginally sentient. Not you, natch... but someone.


07 de jul.

The NY Times has jumped the shark. Nothing about TFG - and there’s tons to talk about. The Lolita Express for one. Oh and Bill Clinton was on it too. Huh.

09 de jul.
Respondendo a

NYT; DOJ; Democrap party; Nazi party; murdoch empire; walton empire; clear channel...

Every media, every corporation, every lobbying sector, every billionaire have all jumped the shark. began with reagan cutting their taxes.

And the shithole jumped the shark when you all just went along in 1980 and every day since by relentlessly voting for them.

As always, the point is that if you don't want fascism and rape and treason being legal... quit voting for it.


07 de jul.

4 points here:

  1. 2 of our last 5 presidents were regular passengers on the Lolita Express. In the true spirit of bipartisanship, 1 came from each party.

  2. Multiple other wealthy and powerful men were tied to Epstein.

  3. In 2020, Biden had his own accusations of improper conduct with woman, and he never took Prof. Hill's sexual harrassment charges all that seriously during the 1991 Thomas hearings.

  4. If Biden's own inner circle didn't have to pray that no cringeworthy event occurred every time he appeared in public, Dems could wipe the floor with Trump.

09 de jul.
Respondendo a

#4 is a bit speculative. Even before your democraps propped up a wax figire of biden at the debate, he was losing in pretty much all polls.

note: because of the electoral college nonsense, biden needs to win the popular by... well 5 points might do it. $hillbillary won by 3 and lost.

There did not exist a reasonable poll where biden was ahead by more than a point. And he was sinking in every poll anyway.

And I don't see how you could say your democraps could wipe the floor with trump UNLESS they stashed biden away in a cave incommunicado. And that fact would lead to a big loss too.

Face it, you ratfucked yourselves in 2024 when…

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