Yesterday, Ohio crackpot Gym Jordan told Fox & Friends viewers that he thinks Democratic operatives tied to Hillary Clinton should have been-- or should be-- executed. Jordan, who was always extreme, went entirely insane-- like insane enough to be institutionalized-- after the whole story about him allowing one of his colleagues to rape young men who he was coaching on the Ohio State University wrestling team. Jordan, although worming out of being prosecuted, has never recovered. The Republicans dealt with the scancal by appointing Jordan to the ranking position on the House Judiciary Committee. If the Republicans win the midterms, he'll become chairman... of the Judiciary Committee. Can you imagine? "[T]here was spying going on and it was worse than we thought ’cause they were spying on the sitting president of the United States and it goes to the Clinton campaign. We’ve never seen anything like this in history. So President Trump’s statement yesterday [about the execution], I think is right on target. This is truly unprecedented, truly something that has never happened in the history of our great country."
Chris Truax is an appellate lawyer in San Diego and the CEO of CertifiedVoter.com, the first system designed to deter foreign interference in American social media. He is a member of the Guardrails of Democracy Project and a conservative NeverTrump writer at The Bulwark. On Friday he noted that "projectionism is always the sincerest form of Trumpism" is a short essay, Remember When Trump World Wanted to Prosecute Nancy Pelosi for Destruction of Official Documents? I was looking for an excuse to use the new Nancy Ohanian drawing of yours truly above and I figured that running Truax's fabulous essay would be just the vehicle I needed. Not that I would think of leaving this out:

There's a saying-- often attributed to Sun Tzu but probably from James Clavell-- that if you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by. In many ways, that’s a pretty apt description of Never Trumpers and the Trump presidency.
Don’t get me wrong. Our democracy is under threat and we need to do everything to actively combat that threat. But we can also take comfort in the fact that MAGA’s stupidity and incompetence always reveals itself in the end. The mill of reality may grind a little slowly sometimes but it grinds incredibly fine and, when it comes to the MAGA world, often with hilarious results.
You may dimly recall that in the before times back in 2020, Nancy Pelosi made brief headlines for tearing up a copy of Trump’s speech at the State of the Union address. What you probably don’t recall is MAGA world’s reaction to that moment.

Matt Gaetz even filed a formal complaint with the House Ethics committee and asked that Pelosi be referred to the Department of Justice for prosecution.

To cap it all off, Donald Trump himself condemned Pelosi for her “illegal” actions.
“Well, I thought it was a terrible thing when she ripped up the speech. First of all, it’s an official document. You’re not allowed-- it’s illegal what she did.”
Of course, all of this outrage was misplaced because the copy of his speech that Trump handed to Pelosi was not an “official record.” As a legal matter, it was simply a piece of paper and her personal property.
And now, almost exactly two years to the day later, President Trump has been referred to the Department of Justice for-- and I have tears in my eyes as I write this-- ripping up official documents.
Donald Trump is incontrovertible proof that God loves America and that He has an excellent-- if slightly dark-- sense of humor. When most countries face a wave of populist authoritarianism, it’s being led by an Orban or a Mussolini. Ours is being led by Elmer Fudd, a leader so incompetent and so... actively stupid that it almost beggars description.
We Never Trumpers still have a hard fight on our hands. But we know that, in the end, MAGA’s alternate reality bubble will collapse and that Donald Trump and all the rest will eventually float by on the river of history. And on that day, when the history books are written, the final verdict on Donald Trump will be, “What a maroon!”

"MAGA’s stupidity and incompetence always reveals itself in the end."
Yes... and???
"in the end, MAGA’s alternate reality bubble will collapse"
yes... and???
when there are no consequences by either party and when everyone is at least as stupid??
As with Germany in 1945, the bubble collapsing will necessarily take everyone else down with it. Not that it won't have been earned by all. Nobody who votes has ever voted to stop any of this since it started in the 1968 election.