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Don't Be Afraid To Visualize A Blue Wave Drowning Trump And His Congressional Cohorts

Writer: Howie KleinHowie Klein

Only Their Gerrymandered Seats Will Prevent A Total Wipeout

This year, the Republicans have shown they’re incapable of being a serious governing party. They haven’t been able to pass a budget. Forget about making peoples’ lives better, they haven’t even been able to protect vital American interests abroad… and are enabling Putin in Ukraine and Xi in Taiwan. They have as much as admitted that they are sabotaging the border to serve the interests of Trump’s campaign— the same reason they’re running a phony impeachment campaign against Biden. Basically, they’ve accomplished nothing but showing pictures of Hunter Biden’s dick, firing their own Speaker, expelling one of their members and competing with each other to get on right-wing media.

This morning, Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan reported that McConnell admitted “that time and the political will to pass a bipartisan immigration and border security compromise are quickly running out— and may have actually run out already. McConnell told GOP senators that before border security talks began, immigration policy united Republicans and Ukraine aid divided them. ‘Politics on this have changed,’ McConnell said of solving the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. That’s because former President Donald Trump wants to run his 2024 campaign focusing on immigration. ‘We don’t want to do anything to undermine him,’ McConnell said of Trump… McConnell has now shifted some of the blame for [Congress’ inability to protect the border] to Trump. Trump was bashing the tentative deal even before it was formally released. He’s called Speaker Mike Johnson and GOP senators repeatedly to pressure them to oppose it. Right-wing media slammed it on Trump’s behalf. Yet if Trump doesn’t want this deal, what does he want beyond simply shutting the border, building a wall and launching a quixotic campaign to deport millions of people? There’s no way that’s all going to happen. And what should happen on the border while Trump is running his White House campaign? Democrats will get to say they made huge concessions on parole and asylum during these talks, and Trump tanked it. That’s a much better space politically than they were in just before these Senate talks began.”

This should presage a blue wave election. DWT has been predicting it for a year— so why no one else? Too good to be true? Maybe keinehora? The need for the media to promote a narrative that will keep the public on edge? This morning, Earl Stephens, normally a self-declared pessimist, wrote that he’s “absolutely positive that the Democrats are going to demolish the Republicans in November.” After pointing out that “Democrats have been winning elections since 2017 at an alarming clip [and that] just last week they flipped a seat in Florida’s District 35 when Democrat Tom Keen defeated Republican Erica Booth in a special election in the Sunshine State. Governor Ron DeSantis carried this district by +12 in 2022,” he said the magic 3-letter word: ROE.

Look, women simply aren’t going to use their vote to return to the Year 1897.
Women’s reproductive rights will be the driving issue this year. Nothing as powerful as this has ever been on the ballot before a presidential election. This issue directly affects 51 percent of the people in America, a majority of whom are going to demand they have as many rights as the remaining 49 percent, who have been calling the shots for far too long now.
Time’s up.
This issue has been motivating voters in states as red as Kentucky and as blue as California. It carried Keen to his inspiring win in Florida, and was the driving issue in a Supreme Court race in my purple home state of Wisconsin last April, when the liberal candidate here, Janet Protaciewicz, walloped the pathetic Trump, anti-choice candidate by 11 points.
With that huge victory, Wisconsin joined Michigan and Pennsylvania in flipping their courts from red to blue since that terrible November day in 2016. Oh, and all three have also switched out their governors from Republican to Democratic.
The Blue Wall has been Built Back Better than ever before. Without those three states, any Republican presidential campaign is dead on arrival.
When Democrats wallop Republicans in November, Republicans will be put on a death watch. They won't survive another election cycle with Roe on the ballot.
For now, they will be dogged by it. There is nowhere to hide. Their candidate for president, the despicable, racist traitor, Trump, brags it is he who was singularly responsible for assembling the Supreme Court that took a match to Roe.
For one of the very few times in his miserable life he is actually telling the truth here, and now is completely cornered by the biggest issue of our lifetimes.
Nicely done, sport.
And what of all these down-ballot Republican candidates, especially those in swing states and districts. How will they play it? Well, we know for a fact, their orange boss doesn't like it much if they dare show the hint of a backbone, and refuse to kiss his fat ass.
And even if they do run away from Trump on this issue, who is really going to believe their sincerity?
No, this going to be a mauling in Roevember.
…Lately, there are also signs the economy is ticking upward. The recession Trump’s Republicans were begging for never transpired.
We are in a sustained period of employment in this country not seen since the 1960s. There are jobs everywhere. The Dow just hit its highest level ever, and interest rates are starting to fall.
Even our broken media is starting to wake up to these facts.
And what of those 91 felony counts against the odious Trump? Let me type that one again with feeling: THE GOP CANDIDATE HAS 91 FELONY COUNTS AGAINST HIM.
Again, this is the best candidate Republicans could come up with to run against Biden?

Let me leave off with a thought David Frum expressed yesterday: "Most reelections campaigns are a referendum on the incumbent. Four more years, yes or no? More of the same or something new? The 2024 election is different. Trump insists that everything always be a referendum on him. In 2024, Biden and his party are eager to agree. The anti-Trump coalition is bigger than the pro-Trump coalition: roughly 3 million votes bigger in 2016, 7 million votes bigger in 2020, probably somewhere between those two figures in 2024. The Electoral College was slightly tilted in Trump’s direction, but Biden is more appealing than most Democrats in the Trump-favoring swing states of the Midwest. Yet Biden’s appeal and its limits may be the wrong place to pay attention. This year’s election is a contest between the constitutional and democratic forces in American society and the anti-constitutional and anti-democratic forces. The candidates are only incidentally the story; the fateful national choice, the deep social forces driving that choice— those are the story. Biden is not really the leader of the constitutional and democratic side of this mighty contest. Biden is the instrument of the constitutional and democratic side."

"Just for one day" by Nancy Ohanian


Jan 25, 2024

Why wasn't ROE the magic word in 2016? The Repubs had stolen Obama's pick for the court, and Ginsburg, the liberal, feminist lion of the court was an 83 year old cancer survivor. Nobody in my circles thought the Repubs weren't gunning for Roe, I often heard "think about the Supreme Court" when people were talking about Trump / Clinton.

Jan 27, 2024
Replying to

Absolutely not. Evil of any magnitude is NEVER the correct choice. That you can posit that just proves the thesis about stupidity.


Jan 25, 2024

And here it is. The same kind of delusional optimism that lost in 2016 and lost seats in both chambers in 2022. Well, it worked then, didn't it. It made a lot of lazy non-nazis stay home so the "blue wave" could "swamp" those evil nazis. Well done, sport.

But at least it affirms the democraps' strategery to perpetually run AGAINST (trump and the loss of Roe) instead of ever doing anything they can run ON.

worst nazi choice? nah. nazi jesus is their best.

worst democrap choice? YA THINK!?!? laughed out of 6 previous primaries; gifted the shithole with both thomases (which helped make it the shithole it is); lifetime racist and misogynist; lifetime corrupt neoliberal; corrupt family; a…

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