You know how it’s always been a DWT policy to out gay Republicans who vote against the LGBT community? Sometimes I wind up meeting these characters after they’re done with politics. I had, for example, a delightful dinner with Mark Foley soon after he was forced to resign from Congress and commit himself to the fancy insane asylum wealthy Republicans go to in Arizona when their behavior is considered to from beyond the pale. But another one, who I repeatedly outed was very uptight when a mutual friend brought us together a couple of years after he retired. He was uptight because it cost him a lot of money to have someone bury my posts about him on search engines. Google has since changed the way it works and all that money he spent was wasted. Also, the story about how he lost a chance to be House Republican majority leader when Tom DeLay retired because John Boehner, Roy Blunt and John Shadegg went screaming up and down the halls of Congress that they won’t serve under two homos (child molester Denny Hastert, then Speaker, and Dreier), became too well known to be buried.

Anyway… David Dreier is hardly the only Republican to cover up his sordid story on the internet. Yesterday, Mediaite uncovered another clown doing the same thing: Vivek Ramaswamy, a right-wing loon pretending to be a serious presidential candidate. Isaac Schorr wrote that Ramaswamy “has made an intentional effort to conceal his own biography, even paying a Wikipedia editor to remove potentially politically damaging details about his past from his page.”
Ramaswamy’s Wikipedia page includes the warning, “this article has multiple issues,” with a note that it “contains paid contributions” and “may require cleanup to comply with Wikipedia’s content policies, particularly neutral point of view.”
According to the article’s version history, the editor removed lines about Ramaswamy’s receipt of a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011. Paul Soros was the older brother of billionaire funder of leftist causes George Soros, who was the biggest individual political donor in the United States during the 2022 election cycle. Also removed from the page on February 9, 2023 was Ramaswamy’s role on the state of Ohio’s Covid-19 Response Team. The editor recorded that Ramaswamy’s Covid-era work was removed from the article by the candidate’s own explicit request, while his Soros fellowship was deemed “extraneous material” by the editor.
The editor’s conflict of interest was debated by Wikipedia users and editors after the alterations were made; the reference to Ramaswamy’s fellowship was later added back to the page, although his tenure on the Ohio Covid Team remains absent.
Ramaswamy announced his candidacy for the White House a little less than two weeks after the changes to his page were made.
Both of the excised biographical details could conceivably harm Ramaswamy’s standing in a Republican primary.
As for the answer to the question in the title... I don't think so.
Seems pretty racist for you to attack an Indian guy like this. But then again, it's cool when Leftists do it, eh?