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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

Dems' Patience With Biden's Stalling Was Wearing Thin— Kid Glove Treatment Was About To End

Biden Had Overstayed His Welcome— He Became A Danger To The Country

People who wanted to see Biden withdraw were treating him with tremendous respect. Had he kept dragging his feet, that was going to change. Going way off script here, he was a shitty president— just another mediocre careerist who may look good compared to Trump but when I hear people compare him to FDR I want to upchuck. He accomplished next to nothing on the domestic front other than some better than average spending bills. He did nothing for the American people and they sensed it, which accounts for him being incredibly disliked and unpopular. He no was longer functioning as a leader and was dragging the whole party down with him, especially dangerous considering the other choice voters have— if they even bother to vote. Then we heard he didn’t want go away gracefully because he has grudge against Obama.

Biden has always been a political piece of crap with a gigantically inflated opinion of himself. Obama made him respectable outside of the confines of the DC sewer and helped make his unlikely dream come true. Now he’s bitter because he was pushed out of office after just one term. He appeared to refuse to recognize his own perfectly normal shortcomings for a man of his biological age. Now, even Joe Manchin, the most conservative Democrat in the Senate (a later day Joe Biden), started calling on him to step aside and pass the torch.

The love and respect Biden may have felt surrounded with was going to change to open hostility, within days. The tiny inner circle of cronies around him was going be— if they weren't already— poison in Democratic Party politics.

As more and more polls like this one from the Detroit Free Press, drip out, Democrats were going to continue turning against him, and not in as friendly a way. He doesn’t seem to care about the party or about the country— only about his inflated ego.

Last year Jim Geraghty noted that “Behind closed doors, Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast. The president’s admonitions include: ‘God dammit, how the fuck don’t you know this?!,’ ‘Don’t fucking bullshit me!’ and ‘Get the fuck out of here!’— according to current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts.” A right-wing polemicist, he then added that “home-care specialists for the elderly explain that ‘cognitive decline can cause aging adults to have sudden outbursts of anger. Symptoms of cognitive decline include memory loss and difficulty understanding basic information. Your loved one might become upset if he or she can’t recall a particular word or remember the name of a familiar place. Your loved one’s anger could also be a sign of dementia, and it’s essential to have him or her evaluated by a physician if you notice serious signs of cognitive decline.’”

Disappeared without a trace right after President Mediocrity was elected

But now he gave up so... it's back to the party-line bullshit about what a great president he was. Jamaal Bowman: "President Biden has made a courageous choice to step down from re-election. It was the right thing to do. It’s probably surprising to hear this from me after our incredibly tough race. But now isn’t the time to lick wounds, it’s time to defeat MAGA. I urge Democrats to meet this moment with the person most fit for the job: Vice President Kamala Harris. She is someone I want my daughter, Maya, to grow up seeing leading this nation—not Trump. Vice President Harris is an exceptional leader who is best equipped to finish President Biden’s agenda including passing universal child care and paid leave for all, investing in economic equity, building affordable housing, and taxing the wealthy. It's time to come together and rally the nation in support of Vice President Harris as our next president. She is the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump and take on MAGA extremism."

Elizabeth Warren was even more convincing: “Joe Biden’s presidency has been transformational. He accomplished more in the past four years— to bring back jobs, stand up to big corporations, and build an economy that works for all of us— than we have been able to get done in the last forty. He deserves full credit for beating Donald Trump in 2020, and his selfless decision today gives us our best shot at doing it again in 2024. While Donald Trump tried to tear down our democracy to maintain his grip on power, Joe Biden willingly stepped aside in order to protect our democracy. President Biden’s selfless action is a profound gift to the people of the United States— and it’s on all of us not to waste it. I endorse Kamala Harris for President. She is a proven fighter who has been a national leader in safeguarding consumers and protecting access to abortion. As a former prosecutor, she can press a forceful case against allowing Donald Trump to regain the White House. We have many talented people in our party, but Vice President Harris is the person who was chosen by the voters to succeed Joe Biden if needed. She can unite our party, take on Donald Trump, and win in November.” 

Adam Schiff: Within hours of Biden being forced to withdraw, Adam Schiff decreed it was time to get behind Kamala— no thinking or reflection allowed. “President Joe Biden will leave office with a legacy unlike any other modern president. [Yes, everyone’s legacy is different.] He took the reins in the throes of an unprecedented pandemic and spearheaded our economic recovery— saving the lives of millions. [I doubt he spearheaded much but thank God Trump was gone.] He worked diligently to pass the most effective, progressive legislation in the last half century— all while rebuilding our alliances abroad and our standing around the globe. [Bullshit.] He has accomplished more in one term than most presidents do in two and he will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents of our time. [No he won’t.] Joe Biden has always put the country first, and he did so again today, after more than 50 years of tremendous service. [Jesus! Biden’s hands had to be pried off the lever of power, as Schiff well knows, having been one of those who pressured him to get the hell out.] Now, it’s time for all of us to unite behind Vice President Harris. I am excited to endorse her campaign for President. She has the judgment, the experience, the leadership, and the tenacity to take on and defeat Donald Trump. I worked with her when she was our Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President, and I can’t wait to work with her as President. There is no better matchup than this superb former prosecutor against this convicted criminal, and she’ll prosecute the case against Trump every single day.”

Katie Porter: “President Joe Biden has decided to pass the torch to our party’s next nominee. He does this as one of the most effective presidents in modern history. His service has bettered the lives of millions of Americans, delivering long overdue action on drug prices, climate, infrastructure, and more. With the President's announcement, I am now offering my wholehearted endorsement of Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States. Vice President Harris gave me my start in public service, appointing me to fight illegal foreclosures in California. I know her values. She will stand up for families and justice.”

And Pramila jumped in whole hog, with the whole party line, so hard that I think she must actually have talked herself into believing it! “President Joe Biden has been the most progressive and effective President on domestic and economic policy in my lifetime. It has been an incredible honor to work alongside him to pass truly historic legislation that has lifted up working and poor people across the country and fundamentally changed the nature of government so that it works for people not for the wealthiest billionaires and largest corporations. President Biden has never forgotten where he came from or what it means for people to know that he has their backs. His leadership has been unparalleled, with the results crystal clear with the record of achievements: the lowest unemployment in over 50 years; the biggest investment in taking on climate change in history; an historic investment in rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure with union and green jobs; taking on Big Pharma to reduce the cost of prescription drugs; being the most pro-union president in history and fostering the tremendous energy of workers organizing across the country; the clear focus on investing in communities that have been disproportionately affected by structural racism and economic inequities; serving as the most pro-union president in history and enabling the largest movement of worker organizing in recent history; and historic appointments to key positions including the first Black woman Supreme Court Justice and his historic appointment of Kamala Harris as his Vice President, partner and nation’s leader on abortion rights, among many other issues. I am forever grateful to President Biden for saving our country from COVID and a Donald Trump presidency, and for the tremendous legacy of service he has given to our country. I know President Biden’s decision to step aside this election comes after careful and deliberative consideration of the best path forward to win the House, Senate, and White House, and protect our democracy — which has always remained his top priority. I respect his decision and I applaud his full-throated endorsement of Vice President Harris to be our Democratic nominee who will continue President Biden’s legacy, defeat Donald Trump, win the House and the Senate and defend our rights and freedoms. Millions of Americans cast their ballots for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the primary. Vice President Harris has proven time and time again that she can prosecute the case against Donald Trump and campaign vigorously for Democrats down the ballot. She will mobilize and energize our base to re-engage and ensure that we turn out every single voter across the country and deliver victory in November. She has been a partner to President Biden in pushing the Biden-Harris Administration’s achievements, and she has embraced the Biden-Harris 100-day agenda that will energize the country toward a vision of what we must and will implement when we keep the White House and Senate and take back the House: restoring Roe v. Wade, signing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, capping rent increases to 5 percent, expanding Social Security and Medicare, ending all medical debt, raising the minimum wage, passing the PRO Act, and more. At a time when Donald Trump and his Republican Party have stripped away women’s reproductive freedoms, we will respond by finally electing the first woman to the presidency. And as the first South Asian woman elected to the House of Representatives, I look forward to seeing Kamala Harris become the first South Asian American and first Black woman to serve as the President of the United States of America. Democrats must immediately unite so we can focus on winning in November. I look forward to casting my vote for Kamala Harris for President and doing everything I can to ensure she becomes our next President.”


Jul 23

I don’t know how Kamala got elected in Calif. but she is simply not a likeable candidate and should garner no more respect than the likes of Dan Quayle.


Jul 22

I have a question.

First, the quote about his student loan policy doesn't make sense.

Let's remember the context; Joe Biden has the power to erase all federal student debt, with a gesture.

His actual behavior matches a politician who made a promise that he had no intention of keeping, which is the model for his entire administration.

Except for one area; anti-trust. That is an actual, real, transformative policy. If it continues, it could seriously unfuck a giant portion of this society.

Joe Biden's antitrust policy goes against everything Joe Biden and the modern Democratic Party stands for.

What gives?

Jul 24
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Matt Stoller published "Goliath: the 100 Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy" (which I highly recommend) in 2019. Before Biden was even a candidate. To say that Stoller is no New Dem partisan, is an extreme understatement. He is saying it's real.

The FTC ruled that that non-compete agreements are an 'Unfair Trading Practice'. Who knew that the FTC still even existed?


Jul 22

Howie you are a disgruntled curmudgeon!

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The world is nuanced--not always black and white... and when fascism comes into play we have to hold out noses to keep it at bay.But we need to do that with our eyes wide open, not lulling ourselves with fairytales


Jul 22

I come here neither to bury Caesar nor to praise him. I am extraordinarily relieved that Biden finally dropped out yesterday. I still wish he could've been persuaded last year to not run, and I note that the entire party was still behind Biden as of 9 pm on 6/27/24. The 180 degree shift that occurred thereafter pushed "better late than never" to an extreme.

Biden's (thankfully) in the rear view mirror now, except for the minor issue of genocide in Gaza. Time to focus on the challenge of preventing the utter catastrophe of Trump II and Project 2025.

Less bad choices is what our system has largely offered us since the DLC took over the donkey in the early…

Jul 22
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shouldn't the goal be to put in place a decent government that will serve the masses and commons? Everyone is just wondering whether she can beat der pumpkinfuhrer. Perhaps the problem with the shithole for decades has been your myopia about what it is we're actually trying to do with elections. Or maybe nobody cares.

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