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Burchett’s Opinion Of His Colleagues: “Next Thing You’re In A Motel Room With ‘em Nekked”

Tim Burchett: "It's A Crooked, Crooked Game"

The craziest member of Congress... sitting with Traitor Greene

On Wednesday, I happened to mention, in passing, a congress-freak from Tennessee, Tim Burchett, the one McCarthy sucker-punched. Burchett, who represents a safely gerrymandered red district, TN-02, with an R+18 PVI. In 2022, Burchett was reelected with 67.9% of the vote and took every county in the district. The only one where it was even close to competitive was Knox County (which includes Knoxville)— but it wasn’t that competitive. Now that the legislature has gerrymandered the state up even worse than before, the partisan lean is R+36.

Before being elected to Congress in 2018, Burchett served 2 terms in the state House and 3 terms in the state Senate. He was known as a crook who constantly fooled around with reporting, failing report thousands of dollars in bribes. Both in the legislature and then as mayor of Knox County.

Now he’s in Congress and taking unreported bribes there too, as well as income tax evasion. This guy never learns because he always gets away with it. Colleagues of his say he will steal anything that isn’t nailed down because he’s a criminal by nature. He’s also a conspiracy nut and a UFO goon… and he was one of the Gaetz-8 that voted to depose McCarthy.

This week he’s been carrying on about how compromised his colleagues in the House are. As we saw on Wednesday, he was babbling about the Jeffrey Epstein scandal that “Too many of my colleagues, I'm afraid, are compromised in this area. For whatever reason, somebody's whispered in their ear, said, ‘Hey, you don't want something to come out on something else. You better keep your mouth shut on this,’ You see that up and down the line. You see good conservatives vote for liberal policies, and frankly, you see some liberals, occasionally, that will vote for something else. So obviously, the Congress has been compromised, and this continues on through the White House, through the Justice Department. The trash can is very deep. It's not a swamp, it's an open sewer.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) said on a podcast that some of his colleagues have been compromised by people representing interests other than their constituents’— and using prostitutes.


Burchett— remember a career-long bribe taker himself: “You’ve got powerful people [business interests] and they write the big checks… They hate this country; they hate what we’re about but they love their portfolios and they love their money more than they do anything else. And they protect it. And they protect the people… You know the old honeypot. The Russians do that and I’m sure Members of Congress have been caught up. Why in the world would good conservatives vote for crazy stuff like what we’ve been seeing out of Congress? Here’s how it works. You’re out of the country or out of town or you’re in a motel or at a bar in DC and, whatever you’re into— women or men or whatever— comes up and they’re very attractive and they’re laughing at your jokes, and you’re buying them a drink. Next thing you know you’re in the motel room with ‘em nekked, and next thing you know you’re about to make a key vote, and what happens? Some well-dressed person comes up, whispers in your ear, ‘Hey man, there’s tapes out on you. Were you in a motel room on whatever with whoever? And then you’re like, ‘Uh, oh.’ And they say, ‘You really ought not to be voting for this thing. And what do they do? It’s human nature.”

“No man or no woman actually is an island,” he concluded, “and they know what to get at. If it’s women, drugs, booze, it will find you in DC and in most elected offices. And that’s what people in power and influence do. And I’ve been in this game my whole life. I’ve seen 16 years in the state legislature in Tennessee and 8 years as county mayor and now I’m in my 5th year in Congress. The stakes are higher but the game is still the same.”

What a shame Benny Johnson, a ridiculously pathetic ass-kisser, didn’t question him about all the times it's been credibly reported how he was taking bribes and hiding them from the authorities!

Here watch this hillbilly trying to blame everyone else for everything he’s been guilty of his whole life.



Dec 24, 2023

The Gross Old Pedophile Party was engaged in their well-worn tactic of accusing the other side of that which they themselves are guilty


Dec 23, 2023

still censoring truth you refuse to try to change.

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