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Biden Needs To Permanently End The GOP Hostage-Taking Bullshit NOW

Writer's picture: Howie KleinHowie Klein

Trump was entirely on brand when he called for MAGAts in Congress to force a default, something several of them-- the Freedom Caucus-- have already been whispering about doing— although not neanderthal crackpot Tim Burchett (R-TN), who has been screaming it from the rooftops for months. So why are Republican senators acting like he said something unexpected?

Yesterday, Alexander Bolton reported that some Senate Republicans have quickly disavowed Trump for his default statement on CNN. “The cold reception to Trump’s bold statement is the latest sign of the widening rift between Trump and his party’s Washington establishment. It wasn’t just anti-Trump stalwarts like Lisa Murkowski (AK), Bill Cassidy (LA) and Mitt Romney (UT). Romney noted that the CNN appearance showed a person “untethered to the truth and untethered to the constitutional order” and noted that “If there were a default, the one person who might be tempted to celebrate politically would be Donald Trump, because he’d say, ‘If I were president, this would have never happened.’”

Cassidy said that “It doesn’t surprise me he’d say that. The president is a candidate trying to run on a very populist base, and I think he feels like that will position him in place he gets more votes, and I think he’ll say whatever he needs to, to get more votes.” But other Senate Republicans who usually try to not get on Trump’s bad side, were also quick to tell people to ignore his crazy talk.

Senate Republican Whip John Thune (SD) said “most people recognize we need to strike a deal here” and predicted that Trump’s impacts won’t get much traction among GOP lawmakers.
“I don’t think we want to go there with the potential consequences,” he said of a potential default.
Asked about Trump’s comments, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), an adviser to the Senate GOP leadership team, said: “Nobody thinks default is a good idea. Nobody.”

A few days ago Cornell University economics professor Robert Hockett explored what would happen if Biden had the balls to invoke the 14th amendment and just takes away the GOP’s hostage-taking power. He wrote that Biden is on strong legal ground and that the country would be better off if he did “even if it means short-term chaos.” If the GOP follows the Freedom Caucus and forces a default this is what would happen:

U.S. Treasury securities, valued at over $24 trillion (by far, the largest asset market in the world), are the primary safe asset held in banking, pension fund, mutual fund and other business portfolios. Our present regional bank crisis involving Silicon Valley Bank and others is occurring in response to a relatively slight, temporary drop in the value of low-yield Treasuries largely because of the Fed’s interest rate hikes. An outright default would leave us nostalgic for the comparable placidity of this troubled moment.
We would also probably see a rapid plunge in the value of the dollar worldwide as a global reserve asset. Our currency’s value in relation to others’ is rooted primarily in global demand for dollar-denominated financial assets, since we have relinquished our primacy as a goods exporter to China. Since Treasury securities are by far the most voluminous asset, their slide would be the dollar’s slide. This would quickly render imports, on which we continue to rely, far more expensive. Inflation could look more like that of Argentina or Russia 20 years ago than that of the present or even the 1970s.
This is to say nothing of our subsequent incapacity to maintain our military bases and other assets abroad and to pay thousands of U.S. military personnel. Only China would be a world-bestriding global superpower, abetting the moves it is already making with Russia, Brazil and other nations to displace the dollar as what Valéry Giscard d’Estaing once called the United States’ global “exorbitant privilege.”
Finally, even the serious prospect of U.S. default would quickly raise debt-servicing costs, rendering our deficit larger than it currently is— a consequence dramatically at odds with Republicans’ professed concerns about tying the debt ceiling hike to massive budget cuts.
It almost makes you think that fiscal responsibility isn’t what House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s caucus really wants.
Now suppose the president decides to challenge or ignore the debt ceiling and instructs Yellen, on June 1 or before, to continue paying our nation’s obligations, as established by Congress in the most recent budget legislation, no matter what. Assume also that he and his administration carefully explain to the nation the legal and financial bases— not to mention the moral ones— for continuing to pay our debts.
The best-case scenario in this situation is that McCarthy’s caucus recognizes it has no legal case and its bluff has been called and that it gives up the tactic and passes budget legislation to which the Senate and the president can ultimately agree. This is unlikely but not impossible. After all, the only real alternative for McCarthy would be to go to court and seek to enjoin the president’s decision to continue to pay obligations— legal obligations already legislatively incurred. The impact of going to court to argue for defaulting on the nation’s debt, let alone the political optics for McCarthy, would be very risky.
It’s also possible that McCarthy’s Republicans howl in protest and stage more hearings and votes on the budget in the House, taking us to the brink of June 1 before legislatively addressing the debt ceiling. But it’s hard to see this getting them anything other than impotent spectacle, further cementing their public image as unserious, especially if the president formally repudiates the debt ceiling now or this month, rather than waiting until June.
But suppose the Republicans take the president to court nonetheless. What then? Assuming the courts didn’t refuse to hear the case on justiciability grounds, the challenge would certainly receive expedited review, given the magnitude of the matter. During the brief time the issue was being litigated, we’d see the beginnings of some of the nightmare economic scenarios sketched above.
But only the beginnings. The president’s multiple arguments would be compelling, and the markets, in any case, are already pricing in worries of this sort. The prospect of an end to the too-often threatened fiscal terrorism that is debt ceiling gamesmanship, moreover, would surely be more welcome to the markets than would be continued hostage taking and associated uncertainty of the kind that Republicans now regularly impose on the nation and its creditors.
However radical some of the Supreme Court’s right-wing justices might be, even they understand the legal precept that the Constitution isn’t a suicide pact. Even less so is the 1917 Liberty Bond Act, in which the debt ceiling is rooted. As a legal matter, this ceiling has long since been superseded by a new congressional budget process that has determined its own ceiling through budgeting since 1974 and was of doubtful 14th Amendment conformity, at least as now interpreted, in 1917.
Several of the court’s justices are pragmatic people on economic questions. It is exceedingly difficult to imagine Chief Justice John Roberts (who famously upheld Obamacare in 2012 and after) or Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, let alone the court’s Democratic appointees, demanding default— especially if the aforementioned financial tremors have already begun.
Justices Samuel Alito and Amy Coney Barrett are a bit harder to call, but it seems likely that at least Justice Alito would refrain from demanding default, given his record of moderate decisions on issues of financial law. All but Justice Clarence Thomas and perhaps Justice Barrett, accordingly, look fairly likely to strike the debt ceiling, at least as applied by Republicans, should they try to sue the president out of paying our already legislated obligations come June.
Will invoking the 14th Amendment amount to a constitutional crisis, as Yellen suggested this week? Not really. For one thing, as noted above, there are multiple grounds upon which Republican hostage taking on the debt ceiling is contrary to law, and not all of them implicate the Constitution. For another thing— and, in my view, yet more important— the present issue is not really a legal issue pitting the president against Congress.
The current debt ceiling nonsense is a case of one faction of Congress being pitted against Congress itself. Our legally contracted debt is congressionally legislated debt; refusal to pay on this debt boils down to the House Republican faction refusing to pay what Congress itself has mandated we pay.
Let us now end the absurdity. Let us bury the Liberty Bond-era debt ceiling.

If Biden does it, he’ll actually go down in history as someone who did something great, something important, something for America... instead of as just another mediocrity like every president since FDR.



May 14, 2023

The debt ceiling conflict (which could've been avoided has Dems increased it during the lame duck session is a defining moment for Biden's presidency to date. Standing firm and, if necessary, using the 14th Amendment (14A) would restore a little confidence with the party base and visibly enhance his re-election prospects. Deal-making with GOP hostage-takers would reinforce the worst suspicions about him and visibly harm his re-election prospects.

Yellen going on the Sunday gabfests and openly dismissing the 14A approach broke basic rules of negotiation. Never give away an essential bargaining point early on in negotiations. It's still early in the process, but I don't have a lot of confidence in this WH here.

May 14, 2023
Replying to

Yellen wasn't alone. The pussies sent out several spokeswhores to tell everyone that their side are pussies and won't do what the constitution clearly demands.

but... y'all elected them. y'all MUST be pleased? NO?


May 14, 2023

1) you're forgetting that democraps NEED issues to run AGAINST! they've refused to *DO* "merrick garland" to run campaigns ON for over 50 years. they are totally reliant on the nazis *DOING* evil shit that they can take to their dumber-than-shits and say... lookie... we're not THIS bad!

2) the resultant Weimar-like inflation should be stressed even more. it's mentioned here, along with SOME of the reasons, but I've not seen it mentioned anywhere else (full disclosure: I don't watch much "news" any more -- mediacorps' don't tell y'all much of the truth... only what will keep you watching). you want 90% of americans to be destitute? let that inflation happen for 2 years and see. won't teach anyone anyt…

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