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And The Dysfunctional GOP-Led House Went Home For The Weekend, Unable To Do Anything At All

Updated: Oct 14, 2023

After Hastert, you'd think the GOP would've learned about wrestling coaches charged with sex crimes

Legislative terrorist Gym Jordan, who hasn’t passed a single bill in his 16 years in Congress, can only afford to lose 5 votes to win the speaker’s gavel. Yesterday he lost 81 in the internal GOP secret ballot— 124-88) against Austin Scott (R-GA), who didn’t campaign for the job. He was just basically “not Jordan.” So far, 55 Republicans have said they will not vote for Jordan on the House floor— a lot worse than the 8 who refused to vote for McCarthy.

Late yesterday, Daniela Diaz reported that “It would be hard to overstate the frustration and resentment among House Republicans right now– at the end of a week that broke their conference’s chaos meter. GOP leadership sent members home for the weekend with plans to reassess on Monday… Thomas Massie (R-KY), a Jordan ally, said he expects a floor vote next week so that members can lay out where they stand before finally supporting a speaker. Massie projected that ‘we go to the floor’ when Jordan has closer to 180 votes. ‘Which isn’t to 217 yet, but I believe what’s going to happen is– people in the first round may vote for McCarthy, they may vote for Scalise, Donald Trump may get a vote,’ Massie said. ‘But after everybody gets that out of their system, you know, fulfills their commitments… by the second or third round, I think we’re going to be over 200.’” He needs 217.

Meanwhile, 4 of Congress’ worst Democraps— Josh Gottheimer (Blue Dog-NJ), Jared Golden (Blue Dog-ME), Ed Case (Blue Dog-HI) and Susie Lee (New Dem-NV), all members of the failed Problem Solvers Caucus— sent a letter to crooked GOP psychopath Patrick McHenry, who McCarthy peremptorily appointed Acting Speaker on his way out the door, offering to help him grab “temporary, expanded authorities.”

Sarah Ferris reported that the 4 right-of-center Democraps “are proposing to let McHenry bring up any emergency aid for Ukraine or Israel, a short-term bill that extends government funding through Jan. 11, or general consideration of fiscal 2024 spending bills. Those powers should be limited to 15-day increments, they proposed, with extensions possible if the House GOP continues to remain without a leader. In exchange, the Democratic quartet suggested, their party would be allowed to fill up 50 percent of the House's suspension calendar— which is reserved for noncontroversial bills and requires two-thirds votes for passage, not simple majorities.

Another very far right extremist lunatic, former Hate Talk radio host Mike Johnson (R-LA)-- an anti-Choice/anti-LGBTQ fanatic and an election denier-- says he's going to give Jordan a few days to secure the 217 votes and if he can't, will then jump into the speakers race himself. Johnson has no national profile at all but is generally considered a religious fanatic. "He's even less qualified than McCarthy," one Democratic member known for his disdain of McCarthy told me this morning.

UPDATE: Don't Start Cheering

One member of Congress groaned when I told him about this. “It changes the Democratic dynamic from ‘let’s hang together’ toward ‘what’s in it for me?’ This is how the GOP controlled the NY Senate, with a minority of Senators, for six years. The deal will superficially start with budget stuff, which Gottheimer/Nancy Jacobson has always wanted to cut, and it will spread from there toward other right-wing legislative priorities, like more tax cuts for the rich.”


1 comentario

15 oct 2023

so... what yer sayin is... some of the democraps who are really nazis are... going to play nazi if it gives them headlines. in the $enate, you got man$ion and $inema... you had others over the years too.

sounds about like the past 55 years.

you know what you need to do... keep electing them democraps so they can keep enabling the nazis. wouldn't want anything to change now that the reich is smell-distance away.

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