Lieutenant Colonel Steve Holden is the Democratic candidate running to unseat Elise Stefanik in November. Unlike Stefanik, Steve won’t be running for vice president or a cabinet position; he’ll be working to deliver results for all the residents of New York’s 21st congressional district, the North Country. His mission priorities include addressing rural infrastructure, Social Security and Medicare protections and expansion, veteran’s services and benefits and most importantly, protecting the foundation of our nation, our Constitution, and Democracy. After Stefanik’s crackpot appearance on MeetThe Press Sunday, we asked him to write a guest post about how he thinks they differ. Please take a look and if you like what you read and if you’d like to help retire another MAGA nut, please contribute Steve’s campaign here.
Telling The Truth
-by Steve Holden
“What makes Republicans consistent is we speak out against violent acts, no matter who commits them... for example, on January 6th.”
-Elise Stefanik
Elise has given up what moral compass she once had in service to her career inside the MAGA movement.
Trust and consistency should be paramount in Congress, yet Elise Stefanik’s words and actions paint a picture of glaring and consistent hypocrisy. A hypocrisy that threatens our democratic principles and our Constitution. As a public figure, Stefanik's positions and statements shift with alarming frequency, leaving us to question if she has any convictions left.
A deeper examination reveals many of her inconsistencies:
We’re all familiar with her support of George Santos. She knew he wasn’t qualified, and she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was for the GOP to keep a majority. But not a majority of leaders the people could rely on or trust.
She recently pulled her endorsement of Ohio Republican candidate, Craig Riedel, for simply saying that Trump was “arrogant.” Has she heard the disgusting things Trump has said about immigrants? Elise, Trump said that immigrants are poisoning the blood of our nation! A nation built by…immigrants!
She claims that she supports Veterans, but she has consistently voted against benefits and services aimed at providing support to our nation's heroes. She claims she is proud to represent the Servicemembers at Fort Drum, so why did she vote against the PACT Act? As a Veteran on the Open Burn Pit Registry, this is the ultimate betrayal. We appear to be little more than a photo-op for her.
She claims she works for the people, but she speaks with Trump more than her constituents. She would be “honored” to serve in Trump’s cabinet. She has forgotten she is supposed to serve the people, not a wannabe dictator.
She went viral for her questioning of University Presidents, falsing claiming that “intifada” is a call for genocide. Yet, Elise has also claimed that immigrants are overthrowing the electorate, causing a “permanent election insurrection.” We can’t ignore her shout-out to “White Replacement Theory”. This is also why we can’t trust that her effort to end antisemitism is authentic. Not when she panders to a man who says that “immigrants are poisoning the blood” of our nation.
She says that Republicans consistently speak out against violent acts, no matter who commits them. Maybe initially. On January 6th she condemned the violence. Today, she considers those who committed those violent crimes as “hostages”. People who brought gallows to the Capitol, who shouted “Hang Mike Pence,” people who assaulted Capitol police, violent, destructive, angry, and hostile people who are criminals are not “hostages.”
This weekend she said that she will only commit to certifying the 2024 presidential election results if they are “constitutional.” She continues to feed the election denial flames. The very flames that inspired the coup attempt, the insurrection on our Capitol. That isn’t speaking out against violence, that is an endorsement. A very dangerous endorsement. We don’t need a repeat of January 6, 2021, but Elise seems to be ready to star in the sequel.
We can make sure that she won’t have the chance to certify the election by sending her back to New York. Instead, please support me, LTC Steve Holden, a Veteran, who is ready to redeploy to Washington and serve as your representative in New York’s 21st Congressional District. I will certify the election and honor our nation’s principles. I have integrity. Elise has…well…Elise has lies.
Thank you for running Steve.