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The DCCC Could Be A Lot Less Ham-Handed And Mechanical In Their District Targeting For 2024

Let's keep MAGA Mike away from the schools

A DCCC-adjacent PAC, the Congressional Integrity Project, launched 18 pretty cool identical ads today that were poorly targeted—using the pathetic DCCC formula. The DCCC formula exclusively targets 18 congressional districts that Biden won in 2020 but that a Republican won in 2022. The formula makes some sense, but when it’s used without any finesse— which is how the Congressional Integrity Project just used it-- it’s moronic. Why run an ad, for example, against George Santos? He’s not going to be on the ballot in 2024, so it’s waste of resources. On the other hand, districts that Biden lost but that are true swing districts that can be won by Democrats, like MI-10, which Biden lost by 1 point in 2020 (so not eligible to be included according to the DCCC formulaic approach) saw James win in 2022 by just less than half a point— 159,202 (48.80%) to 157,602 (48.31%). If ever there was district that needed some resources pumped into it, it is this Macomb and Oakland county district in the Detroit suburbs. But no Congressional Integrity Project ad is running against James, though James also voted for MAGA Mike.

Jamie McLeod-Skinner is the Blue America-endorsed candidate running for the purple House seat (D+2) south of Portland that is currently held by a MAGA Mike ally. This morning, Jamie told me that “Oregonians are upset that Lori Chavez-DeRemer has sided with MAGA extremists over the people she is supposed to represent— and they should be. She has shown her true colors by tying herself to MAGA Mike and his extremist anti-democracy, anti-abortion healthcare, and anti-LGBTQ agenda. Oregon deserves better.”

Another strong Democratic challenger, Ashley Ehasz, has a similar message that she's been using against fake "moderate," Brian Fitzpatrick in the Bucks County district north of Philly. “Brian Fitzpatrick’s vote for Mike Johnson shows you exactly who he is: a spineless creature of Washington, who caves to MAGA extremists. We can’t trust Fitzpatrick to protect the right to abortion or the right to love who we love when he votes alongside Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene. The House is in chaos and our freedom and national security are under attack. This dysfunction will not stop until we vote out politicians like Fitzpatrick and win back the House. My responsibility when I am in Congress will be the same as when I commanded troops in the Army– keep America safe and restore order amidst chaos.”

Similarly, the Congressional Integrity Project— because of the DCCC zombie approach— skipped over excellent targets that Biden almost won in 2020 and probably will win next year— like Ken Calvert’s CA-41 (that Biden lost by just 1 point) and where the Democrats have a very strong candidate in Will Rollins, and Maria Salazar’s FL-27 that Biden lost by about a third of a point in 2020!

That score of 8 is 8 out of 100, not 8 out of 10

Instead, the DCCC is wasting their money on corrupt conservatives like Adam Gray (CA-13) and Rudy Salas (CA-22) who voters have already rejected because of their horrible records as state legislators, where they were owned by special interests and consistently voted against the working class. In case any numbskull from the DCCC is reading this, let me suggest 14 GOP incumbents for your targeting list:

  • CA-03, Kevin Kiley— Biden lost by less than 2 points

  • CA-41, Ken Calvert— Biden lost by 1 point

  • FL-15, Laurel Lee— Biden lost by just over 3 points

  • FL-27, Maria Salazar— Biden lost by 0.3 point

  • FL-28, Carlos Giménez— Biden lost by 6.3 but Giménez is looking like he won’t run again

  • IA-01, Marianette Miller-Meeks— Biden lost by less that 3 points

  • IA-03, Zach Nunn— Biden lost by a third of a point

  • MI-04, Bill Huizenga— Biden lost by less than 4 points and the district is starting to trend blue

  • MI-10, John James— Biden lost by 1 point and the 2022 congressional candidate (with ZERO help from the DCCC) lost by less than a half point

  • NY-02, Andrew Garbarino— Biden lost by 1.5 points

  • OH-10, Mike Turner— Biden lastly 3.5 points, Sherrod Brown will win this district next year and it’s time for the DCCC to take it seriously

  • PA-10, Scott Perry— Biden lost by 4 points but imagine the DCCC going after a real super-villain for a change

  • TX-15, Monica De La Cruz— Biden lost less than 3 points

  • WI-01, Bryan Steil— Biden lost by 2 points; this district needs attention

I spoke to Nancy Goroff this morning, the candidate taking on conserbvative freshman Nick LaLota on eastern Long Island. She reminded me that “by voting for Mike Johnson, Nick LaLota has voted for abortion bans, election denial, and the rampant extremism that voters in Suffolk County want nothing to do with. My priorities are to protect our kids, protect our democracy, and build an economy that works for everyone. The choice is clear.”

Aditya Pai is running for the blue-leaning Orange County seat held by conservative Trumpist Michelle Steel. The PVI is D+2 and Biden won by over 6 points, so Pai has an excellent chance to beat him next year. This morning he told me that she "continues to prove she answers to out-of-state donors and corporate lobbyists who have her on retainer for $1 million per quarter. Meanwhile, she has hosted not one town hall for her constituents in Artesia, Cerritos and north Orange County— where she doesn’t even live. Our member of Congress is bought and paid for. The new Speaker will ensure she stays that way.”


Nov 02, 2023

It almost makes you wonder if a group like Congressional Integrity Project is more interested in getting more Dems elected, or gaining the reputation of getting Dems elected by backing only the most predictable candidates. Are they trying to say "We helped oust the worst Republicans and brought in the best Democrats", or are they trying to say "100% of the Democrats we worked for got elected"? I know the latter gives them more clout.

Nov 02, 2023
Replying to

I'm quite sure if there exists a democrap party vehicle (meaning it gets well funded), its purpose is to back only the money-vetted candidates and/or "grayson" candidates that the money won't abide. clout is synonymous with getting $upport from the big money. in case that escaped you.


Nov 01, 2023

it's all premature anyway. the election is over a year away. and nazi jesus mike hasn't really done anything to run against yet but talk. Yeah, his voting history is there too. But as $peaker he can and will do a lot more than just that. Give him a few months to let his true self emerge. Zealots like nazi jesus mike just cannot help themselves.

that said... of course the DCCC will royally fuck it up. The only thing the DCCC does well is "grayson" less awful sounding candidates... to please the money and keep the caucus as purely corrupt as they can.

Which is why I am quite comfortable predicting your pussy democraps will LOSE hou$e $eats.

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