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Writer's pictureHowie Klein

Picking The 2024 Nominees-- All The Potential Candidates The Media Touts, Suck

Friday night, a friend was visiting L.A. and we scheduled a dinner. She asked if it was OK to bring her new boyfriend and, having heard great stuff about him from her father, I said sure. I had no idea that he's a budding politician. Neither is from New York but they both live there and I pointed out that New Yorkers tend to not elect politicians who are just passing through. He said he's from Indiana and how Indiana has so many great politicians. I nearly gagged on my tahdig (Persian crispy rice with currants, pumpkin seeds and an egg), while asking who. He started with Mayo Pete and was astounded when I mentioned that Pete is a product manufactured by McKinsey & Co and all polished up for the national stage by p.r. genius Lis Smith. It only got worse from there: Evan Bayh, Joe Donnelly, Mike Pence... (I told him that if you go back far enough you could find a good Indiana politician, Evan Bayh's father Birch, first elected to the state House in 1954 and eventually the youngest speaker of the Indiana House in history (1958), and then defeating left-over fascist (pro-Axis) Homer Capehart to win a U.S. Senate seat in 1962. He held that seat for 3 terms and had the distinction of being the only non-Founding Father to have written 2 amendments to the US Constitution, the second of which lowered the voting age to 18. He lost reelection in 1980 to one of the most ridiculous politicians in not just Indiana history but in U.S. history, Dan Quayle. I can't think of a single good Indiana politician since Birch Bayh.

I suggested he examine his motives before getting into politics and recommended he spend a couple of years watching the 5 seasons of Ertugral and the 3 seasons of the sequel, both of which are in Turkish with English subtitles-- we were in a Turkish restaurant too!-- which takes place in the late 1200s and is about the father of the founder of the Ottoman Empire whose own motivation to lead his tribe and then the Turkish nation, then aborning, was entirely wrapped up in a commitment to Justice and helping the oppressed and downtrodden.

Ertugrul wasn't the eldest son of Suleiman Shah but he became the leader of the pack. How about our own leaders? How does it happen, long before anyone votes for anyone? I don't see any DC pundits talking about-- think: planting seed in the public consciousness-- anyone remotely good or even anyone I could consider voting for, starting with Indiana hack, Mayo Pete, who, thanks to his p.r. maven, is being widely touted. Yesterday, Cleve Wootson and Sean Sullivan were doing it in the Washington Post. "For now, at least," they wrote, "Harris and Buttigieg, barrier-breaking Democrats who failed in their initial White House bids, are the highest-profile prospects to succeed Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket in 2024 or 2028, although other promising candidates are all but certain to emerge. Biden has said he plans to run for reelection, but as he nears his 79th birthday, even some of his allies are not sure he will. Many Democrats see Harris’s and Buttigieg’s political fortunes as diverging in the first 10 months of Biden’s presidency. While Buttigieg has become a visible advocate for the administration’s top legislative achievement, Harris often has been associated with its biggest trouble areas, including immigration and voting rights-- and, in the past week, U.S.-French relations."

"[S]ome voters," continued Wootson and Sullivan, "may be slow to accept a presidential candidate who is openly gay, married to another man and recently adopted twins. And it is far from clear that voters of color will look beyond his past struggles with racial issues." Identity politics is always the easiest filter for journalists and pundits.

I'm not fan of Kamala and have never voted for her for anything, nor would I. Mayo Pete is worse. Why not even mention someone who would actually make a great president? If not Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, then Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley? Maybe even Sherrod Brown in a stretch? How could anyone in their right mind not see Jamie Raskin or AOC as better potential presidents than pathetic status quo-defenders/careerists like Kamala Harris or Mayo Pete?

Aaron Blake went even further, though on the other side of the aisle: The Top 10 GOP Presidential Candidates For 2024, Ranked. This is almost silly. Barring something unforeseen-- leprosy, an assassination or an interstellar kidnapping-- Trump will either be the 2024 candidate or he will pick the candidate. Still, Blake reported that "jockeying for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination began long ago. His list, which should be read, mostly, as entertainment:

10. Mike Pompeo: Few have made their designs on potentially running for president as obvious as Trump’s former secretary of state and CIA director. Pompeo’s closing days as the nation’s top diplomat were extensively devoted to arguing that his tenure was a success, often using official resources in a patently political way (a federal investigation found just this week that Pompeo violated the Hatch Act for similar conduct). Pompeo’s office insisted recently that Pompeo was just joking when he suggested he would run regardless of former president Donald Trump’s plans. But we should probably take that as evidence that he’s quite anxious to do it. The big question with Pompeo is just how compelling he actually is as a candidate.
9. Greg Abbott: The Texas governor is one of two big-state governors, along with Florida’s Ron DeSantis, who have gone to great lengths to establish their Trump-era-conservative bona fides-- as opposed to more traditionally conservative ones. This has involved going further than Republicans usually do while wielding governmental power to fight coronavirus restrictions and combat Big Tech. For now, though, DeSantis is the non-Trump darling of that movement.
8. Chris Christie: There is precious little evidence that the GOP will turn against Trumpism anytime soon; anybody betting on that taking place by 2024 had better get some extremely favorable odds. But if there’s one national player who could drive that message, it might be former New Jersey governor Christie, who has spoken out more and more against the president he so helped in 2016. While Christie ran in his own right in 2016 when his stock was particularly low in the party-- and it panned out accordingly-- he’s also demonstrated how good he can be politically when things align for him.
7. Donald Trump Jr.: If the elder Trump doesn’t run and the GOP base continues to place such a high premium on owning the libs over governing chops, virtually nobody else on this list has shown such an ability to give it what it wants. Trump Jr. is also completely untested as an actual candidate, but so was a certain family member.
6. Ted Cruz Speaking of making owning-the-libs and trolling your organizing principle, Cruz has taken quite the turn this year. The Texas senator has tried ridiculously hard to try to fill the void left by the former president’s absence from Twitter-- often with the same disregard for facts. The question as ever with Cruz is whether anyone really likes him enough, and whether the Trump base would ever trust him after what he pulled at the 2016 convention.
5. Mike Pence: Pence’s chances to be a post-Trump favorite for the nomination took a serious shot in January, when he declined to go along with Trump and lawyer John Eastman’s plot to try to overturn the election on Jan. 6. And Pence seemed to recognize the fateful decision he was embarking upon, reportedly telling fellow Indianan and former vice president Dan Quayle, “You don’t know the position I’m in.” That position was one of a guy who loyally and often sycophantically stood by Trump for four years, while not necessarily aligning with Trump on more controversial matters. And it seemed to work for him-- until it utterly fell apart in the closing days and Trump supporters began chanting “Hang Mike Pence.” He’s still a former vice president, but one who could sure use the type of party-wide turning of the page that Christie needs.
4. Tim Scott: Almost nobody has flown beneath the radar, while also earning plaudits for memorable moments, as well as the senator from South Carolina. His 2020 convention speech was one of the most well-received, without talking much about Trump or delving too much into the divisive issues of the day. While others have navigated this era in decidedly uneven ways, Scott would enter the 2024 race with more of a chance to craft his own message rather than having to relive old battles. The drawback here is that the spotlight can be harsh, and Scott doesn’t have as much experience with it.
3. Nikki Haley: Haley is the biggest enigma on this list. She has both demonstrated a striking ability to navigate tough political waters-- think the Confederate flag controversy in South Carolina when she was governor-- while also seeming to have no idea how she truly intends to proceed. This year has been chock full of her providing mixed signals on what she really thinks of Trump and whether the party should hew to Trump’s vision for it. There’s something to be said for trying to be all things to all people, sure; but it’s been gobsmacking. Setting that aside, as Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, she was among the most popular officials in the administration and that obviously has a huge upside.
2. Ron DeSantis: If there’s no Trump, and there’s a desire for a Trumpism-without-Trump (and without another Trump) candidate, DeSantis is that guy right now-- and it’s not very close. His record as Florida’s governor gives that movement pretty much everything it wants: A guy with big-state executive experience who loves to joust with the left and has found himself (justifiably) scrutinized by the media. While he’s clearly in a tier of his own right now, though, sometimes it’s not that hard to tell from his public appearances that he’s just a couple years removed from being a backbencher in the U.S. House.
1. Donald Trump: If he runs, he’s the overwhelming favorite, and most or all of the above don’t run against him, because what’s the point? A strong majority of Republicans want him to run again, and about half say they would support him from the start. You’d likely see what you saw in 2020, which was a couple semi-reputable folks tossing their name in the hat in hopes of making a point or that maybe he implodes.



What about Adam Schiff? He seems to be running for something

Howie Klein
Howie Klein

He's waiting for Feinstein to die



"Why not even mention someone who would actually make a great president?"

really? a rhetorical question, no doubt.

the democrap party has demonstrated, without fail, that they won't stand for anyone who would make a great president. They actually rigged the 2016 primary and convention to block Bernie. They "rigged" 2020 by telling morons in SC to vote for biden because he was "electable" (vs. trump, they could have gotten that jesus' image in a piece of toast elected).

In both conventions they had those $uperdelegates at the ready to overturn the will of the voters (thankfully for the democraps and the money, they didn't really need them, so stupid are democrap voters).

The lesson that NOBODY seems able to…

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