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Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Republicans Will Never Live Down Their Unified Reich

by Noah

Now more than ever, we need to rally around @realdonaaldtrump...The real verdict will be Election Day!

-Texas $enator & Treason Puppet John Cornyn

Remember when Lindsey Graham used to get all bitchy about people "thinking" Republicans are racists? Well, hey Lindsey you guys have blown way, way past that! You used to even bill yourselves as the "Law & Order Party" and that started during the Nixon years! What a sense of humor you wackjobs used to have! And here's your pal Moscow Mitchie, right after those 34 guilty verdicts came crashing down all over your beloved Dear Leader. This is the total assclown who pretends that he dislikes The Diaper Don while he does everything to protect him and constantly sings his praises to the American people as he disburses oligarch cash to his republican pals in the $enate.

These charges should have never been brought in the first place. I expect the conviction will be overturned on appeal.

I guess this is the Moscow Mitch McConnell way of achieving a "unified reich" as his bosses now call it. He no doubt feels that since he pretends to not like Trump, it has more impact when he defends him.

Way too many Americans go about the day under the delusion that there is such a thing as a "moderate Republican" and, sadly, President Biden is one of them. Reaching your hand across the aisle is like blindly sticking your hand into a box of scorpions. Here's fake moderate $enator $usan Collins from Maine on the subject of the trial outcome:

It is fundamental to our American system of justice that the government prosecutes cases because of alleged criminal conduct regardless of who the defendant happens to be. In this case the opposite has happened. The district attorney, who campaigned on a promise to prosecute Donald Trump, brought these charges precisely because of who the defendant was rather than because of any specified criminal conduct. The political underpinnings of this case further blur the lines between the judicial system and the electoral system, and this verdict likely will be the subject of a protracted appeals process. 

Imagine that! People who commit crimes being prosecuted for those crimes! Sounds like poor Susan Collins is suffering from her bloated sense of white privilege being affronted again. I wonder if she's started wearing a yellow straw wig and a red tie, yet. We can certainly see them even if she isn't, and that's true of maybe every republican I can think of. Maybe Maryland's Larry Hogan is an exception to some minor degree but that will no doubt change soon or he will be jackbooted off the U-Boat through the torpedo tube..  

Here's Ohio $enator J.D. Vance as he argued on air with Wolf Blitzer, a man who has used his Situation Room TV show to make a living as an obsequious apologist for conservatives for decades: 

I don't care what you call it but this is not the America that I know and love.

Of course, to J.D. Vance, the America he knows and loves lies about 4000 miles to the east of New York and about 90 years back in time. Vance's limited vocabulary in conversation drives home the fact that his intelligence level may only reach up to the level of your average fratboy, on a good day.

House Speaker Mike Johnson took enough time off from his "Official Smut Inspector" t-shirt business to spew this:

This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one. The weaponization of our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden Administration, and the decision today is further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents.

Dude, that sure be some major projection ya got goin' there but we expect nothing less from you and your cohorts and co-conspirators. Remember, Johnson was a key player in the Trump plan to overthrow the government and obviously still is, and has a more powerful position now. He also called the charges "ridiculous" and the verdict "absurd" two words that aptly describe him better.

Here are a few final thoughts of my own about the Republican freakout over their beloved Dear Leader getting himself convicted:

  • The fact that the verdict has brought out such statements from nearly all Republican politicians, and also by the way, brought in a lot of money donations to the Dear Leader is not necessarily just because of the verdict itself. Rather, it is a good reflection of who these people have always been. After all, as I always say, Republicans, 74,000,000 of them, had no problem with the fact that their guy stole money from a kids cancer charity so we can't really expect them to be bothered by this trial's guilty verdict or any that may or may not come. This is apparently all in the nature of being a Republican. It's also the playing of the largest victim card the Republican Party has ever pulled out. Yep, "Unified Reich."

  • The actions of all the people I have quoted above and the words of their colleagues not only show how much they identify with their fellow traitor, the words are also an attempt to give credibility to everything Trump has done and are more than an endorsement. They are, among other things, encouragement for more of the same and worse. Imagine if the John Gotti types of our nation's history had lieutenants on the new channels Sunday morning talk shows every week and imagine they were speaking for Gotti or Vinnie The Chin. What a circus. 

  • The words Republicans are using in their reaction to the verdict are obviously parroted from their Traitor Don and can't help but remind us of his words after he lost the 2020 election. They are clearly meant to incite more violence, this time against judges, lawyers, jurors and witnesses. Of course, we've already seen that in the cases of election workers who were just honestly doing the job they volunteered to do. More and worse is on the table with these people. Trump wants to burn the very fabric of the country down and it's clear as can be that they are on the team.

2 commentaires

05 juin

Wow! A John Birch Society dig from over 60 years ago below! They're really coming out of the woodwork now.


04 juin

will it be called the "unified reich of america" (URA)? I mean, after your 'best and brightest' manage to lose?

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