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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Steve Bannon, Traitor, Spent the 4th In Jail!!!

Steve Bannon! Now Appearing in Jail, For A Limited Time Only!

by Noah

Yeah, Steve Bannon has, at last, gotten his wall, four of 'em in fact. It was the least our watered down justice system could muster. Got his first shampoo and shower in at least 5 years, too!

Not so long ago, even in my lifetime, Steve Bannon would have gotten a much better wall for what he's done, one with bullet holes that contained traces of dried blood. Nowadays, traitors get radio shows, book deals. It's a basic truth that, in our society, media companies of all kinds sit in their boardrooms and think of ways to incentivize crime with 7 figure checks.

Oh, and here's a Fun Fact: Bannon is in jail, not for being a traitor to the United States or swindling his fans out of money they gave to him thinking it was going towards building the wall that Mexico was never ever going to pay for, but for failing to comply with a subpoena from the House Of Representatives. Of course, had he been a House member, like say Gym Shower Jordan, he wouldn't have even been brought up on charges for ignoring a subpoena.


Yep, it's a club. And they'll have a bigly party for Bannon when he gets out. Moscow Mitch will want to kiss him on both cheeks. Don't ask which ones!



Jul 05

no, massive hater, Noah blames the symptom for the disease, as is usually the case. I try to get the dumber than shits to figure out what (who) the disease is. Clearly you missed the boat (at the bus station) again.

Perhaps if an operative portion of the dumber than shits could be cajoled into realizing how they've enabled the reich, maybe they'll feel guilt when it flowers. Not YOU of course. But some.


Jul 05

Guest crapper, Noah gave two answers. Both deeper and better detailed than the superficial one you came up with. One is the society we have become and accept. That includes both parties. The other is that Washington is a club like he says. As Noah always puts it, Washington takes care of its own. What he refers to in the first answer is the cause of what he refers to in the second. Being a sociopath and blaming all others may soothe the intense anger issues you have but what else will it solve? Your comments are pointless other that to gain attention for yourself when the points have been already made more poetically and eloquently.


Jul 05

And WHY is bannon not now nor ever going to be in prison or shot for treason? And WHY is he not now nor ever going to be in prison for the 9-figure fraud? Yeah, they are rhetorical questions.

hint: same reason trump wasn't bothered by indictments and firing squads, even before the supremes passed sovereign immunity. it's because of you all.

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