
5 days ago1 min

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Let's Cut To The Chase: It's Biden vs. A Terrorist Traitor

by Noah

Only two men have organized terrorist attacks against the United States in this century, Osama bin Laden and Donald J-6 Trump. President Joe Biden is debating one of them tonight. As an additional measure of the sickness in our country, Donald Trump will have up to 74,000,000 adoring cheerleaders and some Justices of the Unified Reich watching with their seditionist spouses, too. President Biden is going to need a lot more than those.


Look at that oddball looking guy on the left. You think he's even remotely sane? But who is more insane, Trump or the media and political hacks who have gone so far out of their way to normalize both his behavior and that of his followers? For one, I will just call it a tie; the insane leading the insane. They're coming for America and the world like those zombies in Night Of The Living Dead.

But I digress. Do I have questions? Do I have questions! Will Traitor Don announce his VP pick before the debate? During the debate? In the post debate spin room with his pals from FOX-Pravda? Will Traitor Don be sniffling uncontrollably due to his reported Adderall abuse again? Will Traitor Don literally "lose his shit" in either meaning of the phrase? Will there be nice "Good Luck!" floral arrangements from Putin and the Supreme Court in Traitor Don's dressing room? Will Lindsey Graham drink all the booze in the green room? And how far in the tank for Trump will the right leaning dimwits at corporate CNN be this time?

Addendum: If I could do one thing to improve the debate, I would consider something based on this:
