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Do You Want To Support Political Leaders Who Back A Ceasefire In Gaza? There Aren't Many Of Them

That tattoo's not in Arabic

AIPAC is going to spend $100 million-- which they get primarily from wealthy Republicans-- to try to defeat progressives in Congress. Do you follow me on Threads? You can find me at there. Yesterday I posted “The right-wing so-called ‘Moderate’ PAC is teaming up with AIPAC to defeat progressive champions Cori Bush, Summer Lee, Ilhan Omar, Jamaal Bowman & Rashida Tlaib. Don't wait, help these folks before it's too late” and suggested people could contribute to their campaigns here. One of the replies was from someone I don’t know who asked where he could donate to defeat those candidates. That’s his prerogative. Although pretty most everyone agrees that Hamas is made up of savage murderers who must be held accountable, we all know people on both sides of the ceasefire issue.

Most candidates for Congress are trying to fly under the radar on it but two of the Blue America candidates I’ve spoken to are all in on promoting a ceasefire: a Texas Muslim-American, Pervez Agwan and a California Jewish-American, Maebe Pudlo. Maebe is also an at-large member of and treasurer for the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council. She wrote a resolution in support of a ceasefire in Gaza urging the L.A. City Council “to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza, who are currently facing a campaign of ethnic cleansing and collective punishment by the state of Israel” and is asking the council to resolve, among other things, that it “recognizes that solidarity with the people of Palestine is a form of protecting marginalized groups by way of standing against injustice everywhere”; and that it “vows to combat antisemitism, islamophobia, apartheid, and ethno-nationalism in all its forms”; and that it “calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the safe passage of substantial humanitarian aid to Gaza”; and that it “calls for the immediate release of all Palestinian hostages taken by Israel, along with Israeli hostages taken by Hamas”; and that it “calls for an end to Israeli apartheid and the occupation and blockade of Palestinian land by Israeli military forces”; and it “opposes all existing and any future military aid to Israel and any other similarly-fascistic nation-state; and that it advocates for the safety and dignity of residents in every community, regardless of what crimes its leadership may commit, and that peaceful diplomacy is the only way to achieve this safety and dignity.”

In the race in CA-30, the district Adam Schiff is giving up, Maebe is the only major candidate taking a public position in favor of a ceasefire. The rest are either avoiding the issue entirely or speaking out in favor of the Likud-AIPAC position.

Maebe has been doing what she can to promote the idea of a ceasefire. Yesterday, for example, she tweeted “Ceasefire NOW” and she has called on Adam Schiff to also demand a ceasefire.

In contrast, her establishment opponents, have a different perspective. Mike Feuer, for example, sounds like he’s working for Likud in two incediary Instagram posts.

Unsurprisingly, Laura Friedman, who has gone to great lengths to hide from the voters that her career has been funded by the anti-teachers' union, pro-Charter school forces, wrote, like most American run-of-the-mill politicians, “I stand with Israel” rather than with Israeli and Palestinian civilians.

Anthony Portantino, needless to say, took the easy path: he stands with notorious AIPAC shill Hakeem Jeffries, who— like Laura Friedman— doesn’t consider the plight of millions of Palestine civilians, just the tragedy of Israeli civilians.

Sepi Shine doesn’t stray a millimeter from the safe Democratic position either: Israel, Israel, Israel, confusing Israel’s right to self-defense with Israel’s indiscriminate slaughter of thousands of Gazan civilians as if their lives are worth less than the lives of Israeli civilians.

Did I mention that you can contribute to Maebe’s campaign here. She takes the same position that millions of Israelis are taking, not just the position of extremists who want to wipeout the Palestinian people and deny their legitimate national aspirations. Most American politicians, cowed by AIAPC and confused by a politically complicated issue, are on the wrong side. Most politicians follow a safe path; few lead the way.


1 Comment

Nov 18, 2023

I support not only candidates but a whole party that has called for a ceasfire.

and it ain't either your pussy democraps nor the nazis.

Maybe ask your guy Jason Call what party that might be.

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