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AIPAC Launders Republican Money Into Solid Blue Districts And Their Next Target Is Cori Bush

AIPAC Has A Long Ugly History Of Targeting Women Of Color

House Democratic leaders gave lip-service to Jamaal Bowman’s struggle to keep from drowning in the biggest flood of sewer money (overwhelmingly from conservatives) to ever be let loose in a primary. The AIPAC-led pro-genocide coalition and the crypto-criminals spent over $17 million to defeat Jamaal Bowman in a blue Westchester County district that will now be represented by a Republican-lite Democrap, George Latimer. The DCCC and its affiliated PACs, controlled by Hakeem Jeffries spent zero to defend Bowman. That’s very different from the money they spend when conservative Democrats are challenged in primaries. Now they say they have no regrets about seeing Bowman defeated.

The genocide lobbyists immediately pivoted to St Louis, where their next progressive target is Cori Bush, who is being challenged by Wesley Bell, a former campaign manager for a virulently anti-Choice Republican. AIPAC is just getting started but they’ve already dropped $3 million in poisonous ads and are about to surpass in spending both candidates combined. On Tuesday, as they did with Bowman, Jeffries and his leadership team endorsed Bush. There’s no indication that any of them will lift a finger beyond the perfunctory endorsement to help her win.

On the other hand, St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones also endorsed Bush, as did the president of the Board of Alderman, Megan Green, Alderman Shane Cohn, Alderwoman Daniela Velazquez, Alderwoman Alisha Sonnier, Alderwoman Shameem Clark Hubbard and Alderman Rasheen Aldridge. She was also endorsed by the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Planned Parenthood, Jewish Voices for Peace, League of Conservation Voters, Progressive Democrats of America, Communications Workers of America, National Nurses United and several other unions. Blue America has also endorsed Bush and you can contribute to her campaign here or here, depending on how militant you happen to feel. Mayor Jones:  “No one fights like Cori does. We must have someone in Congress who’s going to fight and stand up. I don’t always agree with her methods, but she delivers results.”

Jones is right about Bush being an effective fighter. With the MAGA threat hanging over our heads the whole country needs her and more Members of Congress like her, rather than more like Jared Golden who was telling his constituents yesterday that he agrees with much of what’s in the MAGA agenda and that he’s fine with a Trump victory, which he predicted, in effect encouraging his constituents to vote for Trump.

Yesterday, Ron Kampeas, reporting for the Times of Israel, wrote “Less than two days after AIPAC spent $14 million in a successful bid to send Rep. Jamaal Bowman packing in New York, the pro-Israel powerhouse texted a message to its followers: Their next target is Missouri Rep. Cori Bush. ‘On Tuesday night, the pro-Israel community helped ensure anti-Israel Rep. Jamaal Bowman won’t be returning to Congress next year,’ said the fundraising text the American Israel Public Affairs Committee sent Thursday afternoon. ‘With your support, we can also help defeat Rep. Cori Bush, another member of the anti-Israel Squad.’ Time was pressing, AIPAC said. ‘We have a short window to act.’ Bush’s primary is on August 6.” If that makes you feel more militant… the is the place.

AIPAC raises money “to help oust anybody who does not stand 100% with Israel in the way that means that Israel has to be supreme,” Bush said at her campaign opener, according to KSDK 5 News, an NBC affiliate.
Bush’s problem is that AIPAC’s campaign may be working, as per the DMFI poll.
“Bush is still seen favorably, but assessments of her and her performance are moving in a negative direction, while Bell’s image is improving, leaving him with an underlying image advantage,” said a memo from DMFI’s affiliated political consultancy, the Mellman Group. “With some six weeks to go and 11% still undecided, this race can go either way, but Bell has achieved a slight advantage.”
There are key differences between the Bowman and Bush races: Bell is known, but is not the household name that George Latimer, the Westchester County executive who beat Bowman, is in his own district.
Bowman also doubled down on emphatic anti-Israel rhetoric in a district with close to 150,000 Jews. Bush’s district does include many of St. Louis’ estimated 60,000 Jews, but they are not as influential as a voting share.



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